


Feature No.

AHGROUP-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-4944 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features

General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with an enhancement in the lead/opportunity process. Specifically after the creation of an order a new transition has been added "Order Changed" which opens the walk in pop up with preselected make. The user can create a new offer/order with the new vehicle of interest. The new order document is created (& canceled the previous) in DSW. However with the new external function when we send the order document to the DMS there is a check to determine the presence of any order document. If there is, it will be updated, otherwise, a new one will be created.

Business Benefit

They are not created multi order documents in DMS.



Create a new transition with the new external function and required view after the creation of the order

Transition Required Views

Open the walk-in popup to add a new interest (VOI) with a preselected make

External Functions


Additional Information


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