One of the interest types that can be available for a Make is the Inventory. The user can select a vehicle as a VOI, from stock with Vehicle Type either New Vehicle or Used Vehicle  for a specific sales lead. 

There are 4 prerequisites to be configured in order to have correct filtering in the Vehicle Grid List from where VOIs are selected: 

1) The indicator Salable in the Vehicle Card Page must be set to YES

2) The car statuses to be involved in sales actions must be defined in this admin page: → ../SetupEntities/MapCarStatusesForActionsShowedAboutSales

2) The car statuses to be shown when the Interest type selected is New&Used Inventory must be defined in this admin page: → /SetupEntities/NewUsedSetupCarStatusFilters

3) The car status to be shown when the interest type selected is Used must be defined in this admin page: → /SetupEntities/UsedSetupCarStatusFilters

The results of the grid list are filtered based on: a) the vehicle statuses that are related to New & Used Inventory interest type, b) the indicator Salable equal to Yes, c) The Make selected. On the right side bar, the results can be further filtered using the available filters. The summary of the records fulfilling the filtering is displayed in the blue colored rectangle. 

An additional filter applied is based on the user's dimensions. The users will be able to see only vehicles that the make, the company, the branch and the location are included in their dimensions permissions. 

The information for all vehicles is displayed in the different columns of the grid list. Scrolling right and left, the user can look for the needed information in order to select the right vehicle as a VOI for the sales lead. 

There is a lot of information available but the most important is outlined below: 

  • Status: the vehicle status of the vehicle → New, Used, Customer, Demo, etc..
  • Active VOIs: count of the leads that the VIN is included as an Active VOI 
  • Availability Status: in which status is the vehicle (i.e. In transit, Stock, Production, Pipeline, etc..)
  • Branch
  • Location 
  • Net Total Price: the price of the car 
  • Net Options Total Price: the total price of the additional features 

  • No labels
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