


Feature No.

   ODP-6028 - Getting issue details... STATUS   

Test Case No.

     QA-4646 - Getting issue details... STATUS   QA-5197 - Getting issue details... STATUS QA-5469 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

General Description of the Feature

Home page consists of the following items:

  • Settings
    • Role/Permissions
    • User management
    • Data Sources
    • Destination Systems
    • Relations (Data Sources & Destination Systems)
    • Validation Rules
  • Model-Tree Data
    • Current Version
    • Version History
    • Synchronization history


In all the pages there is a Refresh button, a search engine  and a pagination system where the user can choose how many rows are displayed per page and from the arrow link to navigate from one page to the other.

Selection of Data Source/Destination System

After successful User-Login, the user must select the System (Data Source-Destination combination) he wants to see or load data.

The user can select one of the systems which are assigned to him in the User Management setup.

If the User can see only one System, then this will be selected automatically by CMTM. A message appears on the left bottom of the page.

If more relations are needed can be added to the user by an administrator.



The user (with administrator rights) selects to navigate to Roles/Permissions section in order to create or edit a Role.

The administrator can view the Roles and their status (Active/Inactive).

The user can edit a role by choosing the arrow link on the right side.

At the pop up displayed the user can change:

  • the Role Name by editing the text box
  • the status by editing the checkbox
  • the role permissions by editing the checkboxes

The user can save or cancel editing by clicking on the corresponding button.

Another choice is to create a new role from the button on the top left.

In this pop up the user writes a new name, selects the Role permissions from the relative checkboxes and decides the status of the role.

  • If the Active checkbox is checked, the role is active.
  • If the Active checkbox is not checked the role is inactive.

Role Permissions

If only the choice "View OD Model-Tree Data' is checked the user has access to

  • view current version without uploading or editing 
  • view version history without editing 
  • View Synchronization history

If the user has checked Role Permissions :

  • View OD Model-Tree Data
  • Load and Process new Data

The user Cannot create or Modify Records and has no access to Settings

If the user has checked Role Permissions :

  • View OD Model-Tree Data
  • Load and Process new Data
  • Manually create/change OD Model-Tree Data
  • View and manage Setup
  • Upload and manage System Data

  • Can create/edit a Role
  • Can Create or edit a user
  • Can create or edit a data source
  • Can create or edit a destination
  • Can create or edit a relation
  • Can create or edit a validation rule
  • view current version with uploading, editing and creating new records 
  • View version history
  • View synchronization history

User management

The user (with administrator rights) selects to navigate to User Management section in order to create or edit a User.

The administrator can view :

  • User name
  • Real name
  • Role
  • Status

In order to edit a user administrator clicks the arrow link on the right side.

The following fields are editable:

  • Real Name
  • Role (Drop down field with the roles created in the related section)
  • Available Relations (Select desirable relation for later use while uploading MT excels)
  • Active
  • Reset Password

The user can save or cancel editing by clicking on the corresponding button.

Another choice is to create a new user from the button  on the top left side of the page.

The user fills in the following fields

  • Real Name
  • Role (Drop down field with the roles created in the related section)
  • Available Relations (Select desirable relation for later use while uploading MT excels)
  • Active
  • Reset Password

and then saves or cancels the user by clicking on the corresponding button.

Data Sources

The user (with administrator rights) selects to navigate to Data Sources section in order to create or edit a Data Source. Further more there is a choice to view relations.

The user can view the following data :

  • Code
  • Description Engine
  • Language
  • Status

The user can edit a Data Source by choosing the arrow link on the right side.

The following fields are editable:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Import Engine: The user can choose to send one or more excels 
    • Basic Excel (Full MT Excel)
    • Multi Excel (MT Excel Components)
  • Checkboxes 'Always Full Version' and 'Full Or Delta Version'
  • File Source: If data are provided by file
  • Source Data Url: if source is Webservice
  • Language Code: Local Setting/Culture of data

The user clicks 'Cancel' or 'Update' according to his preference.

If the user clicks Save the changes are saved and a success message appears on the left bottom of the page.

If the user clicks Cancel the changes are not saved.

The user can also choose 'show relations' from the arrow link on the right side.

The user can view the following data of the selected Relation

  • Source
  • Destination
  • File Path
  • Status

The user can create a Data Source  from the button  on the top left side of the page.

The user has to fill in the following data

  • Code
  • Description
  • Import Engine: currently the following 2 Engines are available:
    • Basic Excel: imports and processes 1 excel file which contains data for all Model Tree Entities
    • Multi Excel: imports and processes 1 or more excel files, each containing data for 1 Entity 
  • Source Data Url
  • Always Full Version: Source delivers always full Version of Data
  • Full or Delta Version: Source delivers Full of Delta Version of Data
  • File Source: if Source Data are provided via File
  • Active: Checked by default. If not checked the Data source will be saved as Inactive
  • Language Code: Local Setting/Culture of data

The user clicks Save button and a success message appears on the bottom left of the page.

The new Data Source appears in the Grid List.

If user Clicks Cancel the Data Source isn't saved.

Destination Systems

The user (with administrator rights) selects to navigate to Destination Systems section in order to create or edit one. Further more there is a choice to view relations.

The user can view the following data :

  • Code
  • Name
  • Satellite Uri - DSW Sync
  • Satellite Uri - Configurator Sync
  • Status

The user can edit a Data Source by choosing the arrow link on the right side.

The following fields are editable:

  • Code
  • Description
  • Active : Checkbox which when is unticked the Destination becomes inactive

The user clicks 'Cancel' or 'Update' according to his preference.

The user clicks Save button and a success message appears on the bottom left of the page. The changes appear in the Grid List.

If user Clicks Cancel the changes are not saved.

Satellite Configuration Only a Super Administrator can perform this action

Regarding DSW Destination System  DBType and Configurator Destination System are needed

Regarding Configurator Destination System DBType, ConnectionString and DMSPriceList2Use are needed

Extract Data 

The user can extract an excel with all the data uploaded to a Destination System with Satellite Uri - DSW Sync or with both Satellite Uri - DSW Sync and Satellite Uri _Configurator Sync. This excel is the template used to upload data and contains the uploaded data.

Image Configuration

The user can also choose 'show relations' from the arrow link on the right side.

The user can view the following data of the selected Relation

  • Source
  • Destination
  • Target
  • File Path
  • Status

The user can create a Destination System from the button  on the top left side of the page.

The user has to fill in the following data

  • Code
  • Description
  • Active: Checkbox which when is unticked the Destination becomes inactive

and then saves or cancels the user by clicking on the corresponding button. The new Destination System appears in the view.

The user clicks Save button and a success message appears on the bottom left of the page.

The new Destination System appears in the Grid List

If user Clicks Cancel the Data Source isn't saved 

Relations (Data Sources & Destinations Systems)

The user (with administrator rights) selects to navigate to Relations section in order to create or edit a Data Source. 

The user can view the following data :

  • Source
  • Destination
  • File Path
  • Status

The user can edit the Relation by choosing the arrow link on the right side.

The following data are editable:

  • Data Source
  • Destination System
  • Target Uri: API Endpoint for MT-Data-Delivery to selected Destination System
  • Source File Path: Full Path and Name to be used for the upload of the Data Source File (Excel). Attention: The File-Name Part must be unique for each Data Source!
  • Active : Checkbox which when is unticked the Relation becomes inactive

The user clicks 'Cancel' or 'Update' according to his preference.

The user can create a new Relation from the button  on the top left side of the page.

The user has to fill in the following data

  • Data Source (Drop down list from the Data Sources created in the previous section)
  • Destination System  (Drop down list from the Data Sources created in the previous section)
  • Source File Path (The File-Name Part must be unique for each Data Source!)
  • Active (checkbox checked by default)

and then saves or cancels the user by clicking on the corresponding button. The new Relation appears in the view.

The user clicks Save button and a success message appears on the bottom left of the page.

The new Relation appears in the Grid List.

If user Clicks Cancel the Data Source isn't saved .

Examples of Data Sources & Destination Systems combinations

  • Destination System DSW1 receives the ModelTree Data from 1 Data Source which provides a Full-Version ModelTree Excel with all Entities
  • Destination System DSW2 receives the ModelTree Data from 2 Data Sources – the 1st provides a Full-Version ModelTree Excel with all Entities and the 2nd provides ModelTree Component Excels for ModelPrices and Options

Validation Rules

The user (with administrator rights) selects to navigate to Validation Rules section in order to create or edit one. 

The user can view the following data :

  • Destination
  • Entity
  • Property
  • Type
  • Status
  • Severity
  • Rule Data

The user can edit a Rule by choosing the arrow link on the right side.

The user can edit the following data:

  • Destination: All Validation Rules with no value in this field are valid for all Destinations. This field is used to define Destination-System specific validation rules or the neutralize validation rules for a Destination-System.
  • Entity: Drop down list
  • Property: The user can choose from the drop down list the values Code or Name
  • Severity: The user can choose from the drop down list the values Warning, Error, Error Ignore Values, Ignore
  • Type: The user can choose from the drop down list i.e. None, Equals Value,  value In, Unique Data)
  • Rule Data: This field is only mandatory for "EqualsEntityValue", "ValueIn", "ValueNotIn"
  • Active

The user clicks Save button and a success message appears on the bottom left of the page

The user creates a Rule from the button  on the top left side of the page.

The user fills in the following data:

  • Destination: All Validation Rules with no value in this field are valid for all Destinations. This field to be used to define Destination-System specific validation rules or the neutralize validation rules for a Destination-System.
  • Entity: Drop down list
  • Property: The user can choose from the drop down list the values Code or Name
  • Severity: The user can choose from the drop down list the values Warning, Error, Error Ignore Values, Ignore
  • Type: The user can choose from the drop down list i.e. None, Equals Value,  value In, Unique Data)
  • Rule Data: This field is only mandatory for "EqualsEntityValue", "ValueIn", "ValueNotIn"
  • Active: If checkbox is ticked the validation rule is active.

The user clicks Save button and a success message appears on the bottom left of the page

The following Validation Types are currently supported by CMTM:

  • UniqueData Check uniqueness of Entity-Records
  • HasValues Check if Entity has records
  • EqualsValue Check for predefined values
  • NotEqualsValue Check for predefined values
  • EqualsEntityValue Check value and related refence table records
  • ValueIn Check for predefined values
  • ValueNotIn Check for predefined values
  • ValueContains Check if contains predefined value
  • EntityHasDetails Check if Entity record has Detail-Records
  • None Needed to eliminate validation rule on demand

In version 2.0.21 an new validation rule was added

- Conditional rule feature in validation rules: 

The user can now enable the conditional rule option. If this option is selected, three new fields are enabled :

  • Conditional Value 1,
  • Condition 
  • Conditional Value 2.

All three fields are mandatory.

Conditional Value 1 & 2 contain the property values of the selected Entity.

The user can either choose one of the predefined values or enter a new free text value (text, number, etc.). The "Condition" combo box contains the following operators: Equals, Not Equals, Greater Than, Less Than.

If Validation Type "CompareEntityFields" is selected, then the user must select two ore more Properties.
While creating a conditional rule, if the field value in the excel file is "Y" or "N" then the conditional value must be "True" or "False" respectively. The same rule applies if the excel value is strictly 1 or 0.

If the conditional rule fails to qualify, then the validation rule will not run.

Selection of Data Source/Destination System

After successful User-Login, the user must select the System (Data Source-Destination combination) he wants to see or load data.

The user can select one of the systems which are assigned to him in the User Management setup.

If the User can see only one System, then this will be selected automatically by CMTM. A message appears on the left bottom of the page.

If more relations are needed can be added to the user by an administrator.

Model-Tree Data

Model Tree - Current Version

CMTM shows the current version (10) and in a grid the MT-Entities with their individual latest version.

In the example above

  • the last version was created, because 1 “EmissionSticker” record was updated
  • The last change for “EmissionClass” was during Version 1 where 10 records were created

In order to create a new version user clicks the button  from the top left of the page

CMTM shows the following screen where the User can drag and drop the excel file or click to browse and select the excel file to be loaded and processed

After the excel file was selected, CMTM displays the following

The user can choose:

  • System loads and validates the data of the selected excel and displays the validation result

  • System loads and validates the data of the selected excel and displays the validation result.
    The user then has the possibility to make minor correction in the imported data and to “Commit” the new version.

            The selected excel disappears and the user can choose a new excel

Health Check

When the user clicks Health check a message appears

If the user clicks Cancel the pop up message disappears and the user is navigated to the previous page.

If user clicks YES the result of the Health Check is performed based on the defined Validation Rules:

  • The amount of Errors
  • The amount of Warnings
  • List with details
  • The User can use the Filter- and Search options to check/analyze errors/warnings

A user can choose to view only the errors or warnings and to search for a specific Entity or validation type


When the user clicks 'Upload' will see the result of the Validation performed based on the defined Validation Rules:

If the user clicks 'Cancel' the pop up message disappears and the user is navigated to the previous page.

If user clicks YES the result of Upload is performed based on the defined Validation Rules:

  • The amount of Errors
  • The amount of Warnings
  • List with details
  • The User can use the Filter- and Search options to check/analyze errors/warnings
  • The User has the possibility to correct invalid values and to initiate a re-validation or to submit the data excluding the invalid data

Correction of Invalid Data

If the User clicks on an error record, CMTM provides the corresponding Value in Edit Mode – the value can be changed/corrected and a re-validation can be initiated.

If the User decides to “Submit Excluding Errors”, CMTM will create a new Version which will contain ONLY valid data !

Submit and Re-evaluate

When a user uploads a new version with errors has the ability to correct values in all the following validation types:

  • EqualsEntityValue
  • ValueIn
  • ValueNotIn
  • HasValue
  • EqualsValue
  • NotEqualsValue
  • ValueContains

If the user changes value in an error clicks  on the right side of it and then clicks  then the new value is saved and the corrected one doesn't appear again

Current Version – Details

When the user navigates to Current version the data below can be seen

Details per Entity:

  • “Version” latest Version
  • “Records Inserted” in latest Version
  • “Records Updated” in latest Version
  • “Records Disabled” in latest Version
  • “Records Enabled” in latest Version
  • Entity has “Tailored Data”
  • Entity has “Ongoing Tailored” Data
  • “Creation Date” of latest Version

The Details on Entity Level can be requested - examples

  • Body Style with last update in Version 16 one Record is inserted with Tailored Data (Tailored Data = YES)
  • Entity “Make” with last update in Version 12 where a new record was created 1 Record Enabled and 1 Record Disabled
  • Entity “Family” with last update in Version 14 where a new record was created a Record was inserted
  • Drive Type 4 records were Inserted and tailored Data were included
Current Version – Details per MT-Entity

When the user selects 'show details' in an entity,

The following data appear:

The Current Version of Entity “Make” contains 2 records:

  • “FI” which was created during the creation of Version 12
  • “JA” which was created during creation of Version 14

“Version History” (CMTM Menu) shows details regarding creation and update of data

When the user chooses show details in an entity

the Current Version of Entity “Family” contains 10 records imported during creation of Versions 1 and 2 and as indicated in the Page “Current Version”, Tailored Data are available

The User has the possibility to:

  • Create a new Record (Tailoring)
  • Modify an existing Record (Tailoring)
  • Upload Images (supported for Models, Families and Options)
Create a New Record

A pop-up appears and the user has to fill in the fields. Every entity has different fields in the pop up.

If the user clicks Cancel the new entity is not saved.

If user clicks Save the entity is saved and a success message appears on the left side of the page.

Modify Record

A pop-up appears and the user has to fill in the fields. Every entity has different fields in the pop up.

If the user clicks Cancel the new entity is not saved.

If user clicks Save the entity is saved an a success message appears on the left side of the page.

Upload Images

When the user chooses to upload one or more images

A new page appears and the user can choose images from a drop down or click browse.

Then the buttons  and  are activated.

If the user clicks clear the pictures disappear and the user can choose again pictures to upload.

If the user clicks Upload a success message appears on the right bottom of the page.

Current Version – Ongoing Tailoring

Ongoing Tailoring contain Tailored records which are not committed yet

The User has the possibility to:

  • Edit and modify an existing Record (Tailoring)
  • Delete the not yet committed record

Edit item

When a user edits a record some of the fields are editable and the rest cannot be changed. When the user clicks Save button  a success message appears on the left bottom of the page.

When a user deletes an Item from Ongoing Data a success message appears on the left side of the page and the record has disappeared from the Ongoing Tailored list

Current Version – Priority of Tailored Data

System displays in the Page “Current Version” Information regarding Ongoing Tailoring and offers the Button “Upload Tailored Data” to complete and commit a Tailoring session.

During commit, CMTM validates the newest version of all data including the Tailored and creates a new version.

When the user clicks Upload tailored data on the top right corner

The new value is inserted, the tailored value has changed to 'YES' and the Ongoing Tailored is now empty.

Tailored Data have always higher priority than imported data!


  • The BMW Family “SERIES1” has a tailored record with version 9 with the “Name”: “Series 1.” – version 9 is already Synced to DSW
  • During a new load of the MT-Excel, the new version 10 for the same records was created with the “Name”: “Series 1.X”
  • The next Sync to DSW will not contain the version 10 of the specific record, because the tailored version 9 has a higher priority
  • DSW will receive the version 10 (or higher) of the record, only after deactivation of the tailored record

ModelTree Data – Version History

The Page “Version History” shows the MT-Data versions for the selected Destination System

When the user chooses 'Show Details' on the right side of the item

The Details of a Version (in this case version 15) show the list of Entities which have records with this version (15)

The Model-Price version 15 records

ModelTree Data – Synchronization

The selected Destination System (DSW) can be currently synced with the current Version via the Buttons:

    Destination System will be synced with the records belonging to a version which is higher than the version of the last sync

    Destination System will be synced with the latest version of all MT Data available in CMTM

OD CMTM – Synchronization Data

  • Synchronization data contain:
    • by default, the MT-Data-Delta to the last sync (Full Sync on Demand possible)
    • “Full or Delta” Info
    • CMTM Version Info
    • Info per record if “New” or “Modified”
    • Active/Inactive Info per Record

Model-Tree-Excel – Full Version

Load and process of a Model-Tree-Excel which is characterized as Full-Version means in CMTM, that Entity-records already known in CMTM (from previous versions) and not included in the Excel, will be marked as “Inactive”.

The Sync Package which will be sent to corresponding DSW and Configurator will contain such Records with the Flag “Inactive”.

DSW and Configurator are currently not utilizing this information (“Inactive”).

Synchronization of DSW and Configurator

In the version history the following data are available:

  • Version
  • Creation Date
  • Sync Date

In the synchronization History page the following data are available:

  • Destination
  • Version
  • Sync Date

Configurator Synchronization 

When the "Satellite Uri - Configurator Sync" is filled out in the “Destination System” setup, during synchronization one more step is added. After successful DSW Database synchronization, configurator Database synchronization is initiated.

This process takes place in the background. The user is transferred to the "Synchronization History" page.

The status of the synchronization status refreshes automatically.

If an error occurs during the process, the error message will appear in the "Sync Message" column.

 Sync Status messages: 

The following Statuses appear when the user has selected DSW Destination System and Configurator Destination System:
  • None
  • DSW Update Completed: DSW Database sync has finished successfully
  • Conf. IDB Update Completed: Intermediate Configurator Database sync has finished successfully
  • Conf. Product Sync Initiated: :Configurator Products sync in progress
  • Conf. Product Sync Completed: Configurator Products sync has finished successfully
  • Conf. Elastic Sync Initiated : Configurator Elastic Products sync in progress
  • Completed : Full Database sync has finished successfully
  • Sync Error : If  an error has occurred during synchronization. The error message will be displayed on "Sync Message" column
The following Statuses appear when the user has selected only DSW Destination System:
  • None
  • DSW Update Completed: DSW Database sync has finished successfully
  • Completed : Full Database sync has finished successfully
  • Sync Error : If an error has occurred during synchronization. The error message will be displayed on "Sync Message" column


On the right top of the page the user clicks the  picture  and then the following choices appear:

  • Change Source/Destination
  • Change password
  • About

Change Source/Destination

The user chooses 'Change source/Destination' from the right side

In the drop down field appear all the relation which are checked in the user card page

Change Password

When the user chooses to change password the following pop-up message appears

The user has to type the Old and new password. The new password is created according to the rules written above.


When the user chooses 'About" a pop-up appears with the version of the application

Log out

By selecting this command the user signs out of the application and only by writing again user name and password can log in again.

Business Benefit

A new way to upload model tree was created in order to help user to work more efficiently



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