This feature combines the technology from Duplicate Check and Master Data Concept

Also used for Inquiry - Duplicate check

General Description of the Feature

In the installation where the Master Data Concept is used, there is the option to use it to enhance the duplicate check of BPs/CPs. When enabled, if the duplicate check yields no results from the search in the Local DB, another search with the same parameters will be performed in the Master DB.

The Search is performed on the views "IDMS_MASTER_MAINCNTCTPRSNVIEW" "IDMS_MASTER_BPVIEW" so it is crucial they are defined to get their data from the MasterDB. To enable this functionality the Setup Key "DuplicateCheckInMaster" must be set to "true". Of course all the Infrastructural Setup and Master-Local connectivity Setup described in the Master Data Concept document must be done as well.

Differences from normal duplicate check process

The search is performed with the same parameters that were used the local DB. The main difference is that a result will be defined as "Validated" or not.

The system will look in all the inputted fields and will try to find if they match the data of any configured "Search Field".

  • If any trustworthy "Search Field" is found, the contact is considered Validated and the user can use it normally.
  • If any non trustworthy "Search Field" is found, then the system will try to find a match in each of that Search Field's "Confirmation Fields".
    • If any of the "Confirmation Fields" match, the contact is considered Validated and the user can use it normally
    • If none of the "Confirmation Fields" of the matched "Search Field" is matched, they will all be used for the action "Validate and Select" in the next step
  • If none of the "Search Fields" is matched, all of the "Confirmation Fields" will be used in the next step
  • As a safety measure, in case there are no "Confirmation Fields" (eg all the Confirmation Fields are Trustworthy) the contact will required to be validated through the Default BP Confirmation Field as set in the Setup Key "DefaultBPConfirmationField" (default value MobilePhone)

Thus, the contacts shown will be either Validated (clear data with action "Select")

Or non-Validated (Masked data with the Action "Validate And Select")

Of course the row with the user's input data and the action "Create" is still there


When the user clicks "Validate And Select" a popup will open showing one or more "Confirmation  Fields" as described above.

The user has to fill at least one of the fields, and if one of them matches the Master Data, the contact is Validated and the system proceeds to the next page, the same one when "Select" is clicked on a Validated contact.

Selection and Download

The next page is similar like the one used in Local Duplicate Check

Here the user select which of their input data should be merged in the existing contact. The difference is that the contact will first be downloaded from the Master System, and then updated with the selected data locally, which then will trigger an update on the Master System's contact.

Inquiry Second Level Duplicate Check

The same functions are used in the Inquiry Duplicate Check. The only difference is that in a case of a Second Level Duplicate Check scenario, the Company BP is downloaded at the end of the First Level Duplicate check, and then the Second Level Duplicate Check is performed in the contacts of the newly downloaded BP. The update of the Company and the creation or update of each CP, will be performed in the end of the process.

These details do not concern the user, since it will be a seamless experience for them.

Business Benefit

This is an enhancement of the whole Master Data Concept.


Setup Keys:



Enable/Disable the Duplication check process from the Master InstallationTrue/False


In case there are no "Confirmation Fields" (all the Confirmation Fields are Trustworthy) 
the contact will required to be validated through the Default BP Confirmation Field as set in this Setup key

The name of the selected confirmation field. 

Default value: MobilePhone

Existing Configuration

For the standard functionality of the system duplication check, refer to 2.26-3. Duplication check BP\CP

In order to enable the duplication check in Local DB the setup key "CloseMergingDuplicateCheck" should be set to "false". This will enable the duplication between the records of the same Local DB.

Additional Information

Feature No.: ODP-1100

ODP-1100 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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