General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the development of a new product module, called "Call Center Outbound calls Cockpit". With this new module, users of the DSW & DASW application that are defined as Call Center agents can handle and organize the outbound calls with a variate of developed functionalities. 

In order for this module to work, the integration with the relevant Call Center module in the Omnichannel platform is mandatory. 

The Omnichannel platform generates a list of outbound calls for various Business Partners based on configured Call Center Campaigns and assigns this calls to specific Agents which should also be OneDealer Users. This list is send to DSW through a defined API and is displayed into the relevant Outbound calls list in the DSW platform for the relevant Users. (For the Omnichannel platform use and configuration please check the relevant documentation:  )

Another important prerequisite, is that the OneDealer Users that need to function as Call Center Agents, should be configured to have automatic login authentication in the Omnichannel platform and be part of the "Agent" Role. More information for this can be found here:

Call Center page

The "Call Center Outbound calls Cockpit" page can be accessed, either from the URL: .../CallCenter/CallCenterCockpitOutboundPage or from the OneDealer Menu with name "Call Center - outbound list", provided that it is configured. By opening the page, from a User that fulfills all the above mentioned requirements, a service call is taking place towards the Omnichannel platform. This call is requesting all the Call Center generated calls from Campaigns where this specific Call Center agent (User) is assigned.

The page opens including this list of calls and consist of three major UI elements:

  • Left sidebar - Call List
  • Middle section
    • Call dashboard section
    • Call Center BP Details Page
  • Right sidebar 

A. Left sidebar

This sidebar includes the list of all the outbound calls generated from all the Call Center campaigns, where this specific User is assigned as Agent (this configuration is part of the Omnichannel platform and the campaign preparation).

Each call is displayed in a white box and includes:

  • The Name of the BP
  • The main contact phone as saved from the Omnichannel platform
  • The subject of the relevant campaign 
  • The date/time of the call generation

The Left Sidebar is controlled from a button on the bottom left corner of the page and from the setup key CallCenterOutboundCallsListVisibility. When the Call Center page opens or is refreshed the sidebar is always hidden and the user should click on the relevant button to open it.


  • CallCenterOutboundCallsListVisibility = True
    • The button which controls the left sidebar is available and the users can click it to open the list.
  • CallCenterOutboundCallsListVisibility = False
    • The button and thus the list are completely unavailable from all the Users.

Based on the values of the above setup key, the users have the possibility to see what calls are in their list but under any circumstances, they can not select which call they will serve. A user will always get as active and ready to be served the first call of the list and when this is finished the next will take its place.

B. Middle section

As mentioned above, the Middle section is separated in two UI sections, the Call Center dashboard section and the Call Center BP Details page.

Call Center dashboard section

This section includes a variate of actions a User can do and are related with the Call Center activities. The permission/visibility of all the buttons is controlled from separate Business Cases (see "Configuration" section).

Currently only two of the buttons from this section are included in the implementation:

  1. "Call Now/End Call" button
  2. Pause call button - Not implemented yet with a functionality in this feature
  3. Record call button - Not implemented yet with a functionality in this feature
  4. Forward call button - Not implemented yet with a functionality in this feature
  5. Add another person to call button - Not implemented yet with a functionality in this feature
  6. Co-Browsing button - Not implemented yet with a functionality in this feature
  7. Survey button
  8. Calendar button - Not implemented yet with a functionality in this feature

"Call Now/End Call" button

While a call is active for a User (Active = top on the call list and the middle page includes information for the relevant BP), this User can start or end a call with this BP as many times as he/she likes. Each time a call has started and then ended through these buttons an entry is been created in the DB storing this action. These entries are displayed in the newly developed widget, called "Call History".

When the User selects a final outcome  all the entries made up to this point will receive this as the whole call outcome.

"Survey" button

At any point during an active call the user can click on the Survey  button. A new browser window will appear including a survey, which the User can discuss with the customer, fill it and store it. Afterwards, each time a User clicks on the Survey button the pop window opens without the survey anymore but including the date and time the survey was filled and saved.

The survey can be prepared in the relevant Omnichannel Campaign platform and be assigned to the Call Center Campaign instance. 

Call Center BP Details section

This section of the page includes the regular BP card page which 2 exceptions.

  1. The BP dashboard is been incorporated into the first tab of the BP information. This way the user can have access both the the widgets and the tabs without changing the view. This dashboard is the actual 360o BP dashboard view mirrored inside the call center page.
  2. The section includes less tabs than the actual BP card page, specifically selected for the Call Center usage.

All the information and the actions (Action button) are matching completely the Business Partner card page. 

C. Right sidebar

This sidebar section includes four tab buttons, where only one of them, the first, has developed implementation. It is controlled from the relevant button at the right side corner of the page and it is always open when the page is accessed.

In this section, the final outcomes of a call are included and each one of them has a different behavior. The final outcomes cannot be selected/clicked when the active call has also an open phone call (Call Now button). As soon as, an outcome is selected, the selection is saved, the page refreshes and the User receives the next call in line.

Final Outcomes:
  1. Not Available: The call is marked as customer Not available and it is placed at the end on the call line. The Call Center agents will receive this call again when they have gone through the whole list at least ones.
  2. Follow Up Call: The user can select date and time when this follow up should take place. The call will be removed from the call line and it will appear again directly after the active call when the scheduled time arrives.
    1. When selecting the date to match with the current date the system will automatically propose a time. Proposed Time = ( Current time + "FollowUpCallAfterMinutes" setup key ) rounded on the 30 minutes of an hour. 
    2. In addition, the user can select to check the "Assign to me" check box. This ensures that the call will appear again only to this agent's call line.
  3. Without Answer: The User should select one of the available reasons from the dropdown and optionally write a free text note. The call is marked as customer Without Answer and it is placed at the end on the call line. The Call Center agents will receive this call again when they have gone through the whole list at least ones. The available reasons displayed in the dropdown can be prepared and configured through the Omnichannel platform.
  4. Complete Call: The is marked as Completed and it is removed completely from the call line. No further actions can or need to be taken.


The variate, the sizing and the placement of the widgets is exactly the same with the 360o BP dashboard view. When the users change something in the Call Center dashboard the same changes are displayed in the BP dashboard and vise versa. 

The dashboard has available all the pre-exting widgets and 2 new:

  • Call History widget: Includes all the "Call Now" actions made for this BP from any Call Center Campaign and the final outcomes selected for each one of them.

  • Invoice widget: Includes any sales invoice created for this specific BP and stored into the relevant table (OINV) of the OneDealer DB.

In addition, an enhancement has been made to the "Vehicles" widget. This widget includes all the owned vehicles for this Business Partner and the enhancement consists of some new columns into the list of the widgets:

  • Make
  • Model
  • Model as a Comment
  • First Registration Date
  • Mileage
  • License Plate

Generic Functionalities

During the daily work of a Call Center agent it is possible to have the need to open other pages of the DSW application, like the Opportunity Grid list, one entry/document from the related tab or even create from the Actions button a whole new Lead etc. Because it is important that the user will remain active in the Call Center page and list, all the action an Agent will make when:

  • Clicking on the Left Side Menu
  • Clicking on any entry in the "Related" tab
  • Selecting to do any action from the "Action" button

that would normally redirect him/her to the new page, They will instead open in a new browser window. This way the Agent can perform this action without leaving the main Call Center page.

AVAG Specific functionalities

It is requested from AVAG, that on the click event of the “Start Call”/“End Call” button the following keyboard keys to be triggered:

  • Start Call: F8
  • End Call: F9

Since this functionality is AVAG specific, it is developed, implemented and functioning only at the AVAG tenant projects.

Business Benefit

By implementing this completely new module, with co-operation of the Omnichannel platform developed from Lighthouse, OneDealer is now able to provide a solution for the companies that would like to implement a Call Center team into the daily work of the Digital Sales Workplace.  


  1. Setup Keys for the Integration:
    1. LH_CallCenter_MainUrl: The server URL of the Omnichannel Campaign API system deployed for this project, followed by /vendd (Example:
    2. Lh_CallCenter_Login_grant_type - Value: autoLoginHash
    3. Lh_CallCenter_Login_clientId - Value: CallCenter
  2. Setup Keys for the process:
    1. CallCenterOutboundCallsListVisibility - Default Value: True
      • When True: The Outbound call page opens with the left sidebar hidden but there is a button (bottom left corner) where you can open the sidebar.
      • When False: The button which can open the left sidebar is completely deactivated.
    2. CallCenterOutboundActivityType - Default Value: 300
      • The code of the Activity Type that is made within the OCLT table.
    3. TakeCallCenterPendingCalls - Default Value: 15
      • The maximum amount of calls assigned to a User, that will appear at any given moment in the Outbound calls list in DSW.
    4. FollowUpCallAfterMinutes - Default Value: 15 
      • The amount of minutes that the system will add up to the proposed time in the follow up section before rounding it to half hours.
  3. Business Cases:
    1. 14001 - Start call / End call buttons 
    2. 14002 - Record call button | Forward call button | Add another person to call button
    3. 14003 - Co-browsing button 
    4. 14004 - Survey button 
    5. 14005 - Calendar button 
    6. 14006 - Outbound Call Center Page
  4. Page URL: .../CallCenter/CallCenterCockpitOutboundPage
    1. The Menu should be configured with the following structure: 

Existing configuration involved:

  1. Business Cases:
    1. 12106 - Call Center Cockpit: This BC gives permission to both Call Center related pages, the pre-existing "Call Center History Overview" page and the new "Call Center - Outbound list" page.

Additional Information

  • Feature No.: AVGA-123
  • Test Case (including all possible Scenarios): QA-1198

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