General description 

The purpose of this chart is to display the Total Number of Leads  for each Vehicle Model, using a Kendo UI bar chart.

By using this chart the user can see how many leads have been generated that are related to specific vehicle models and at the same time both the total number of leads and the number of open leads are displayed for comparison reasons.

The user can also click on a specific model in order to access the leads grid list.



The leads in this widget are filtered with the following logic:

  • If the logged in user is a manager then he will be able to see his own data and the data of the employees that he manages. In system terms this means that the manager can see the leads and the opportunities created or assigned to the team that he/she is defined. as a leader.

  • If the logged in user is not a manager then he will be able to see only his own data.

  • The logged in user can only see the Makes that he is allowed (by the dimension permissions).

  • Following the entity dimension depth (“Company”, “Branch” and “Location”), that is configured during the setup of the installation, the logged in user can only see data for the permitted dimension entity depth. For example, if the entity dimension depth is equal to Branch the logged in user can only see the data for the specific Branches of the Company and all the Locations of the permitted Branches.

  • Leads created in the current year.

  • No labels
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