General Description of the Feature 

It is necessary that the Sales Advisor can execute a DAT3 calculation (with or without DAT3-UI) at several pages in the OD DSW. Based on the VIN, Mileage, and Initial Registration Date, he can load the evaluation directly from DAT3 using the “Get Evaluation” without starting DAT3, or he can start DAT3 with the data from the OD DSW using the “Evaluate in DAT3” and adjust the evaluation within the DAT3 UI.


  • “Get Evaluation”

This button sends a request to the OD Adapter team with the fields of the form and receives the purchase and sale price of the vehicle which is then filled on the same form.

If it succeeds it displays the success message “Evaluated successfully!”, otherwise, if it fails, it displays the error message “Evaluation failed!”.


  • “Evaluate in DAT3”

This button opens the DAT3 UI in a new tab/window, where the User can adjust the evaluation within the DAT3 UI.

Note: DAT3-UI User-Credentials are needed to launch the DAT3-UI.

When the User finishes and saves in the DAT3 environment his updated data, he returns then in OD DSW tab and presses the “Get Evaluation” to get the evaluation.



Also the Business Partner Information's are transferred to DAT3

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Title
  • Street
  • Street Number
  • Zip Code
  • Post Code
  • Country

  • “Close”

When the User presses the “Close” button, the popup form will be closed and the vehicle’s price as well as the DAT3 Evaluation fields “DAT3 Last Evaluation on” and “DAT3 Last Evaluation by” in the Vehicle card page under the tab Details in Section Main Information will be updated.

If the checkbox “Update master data” is selected, then the data returned by the DAT3 application is used to update the vehicle data in OD DSW using the mapping system.

Following fields in OD DSW will be updated:

U_MdlYearU_LastKm > Mapping is not required
U_SeatsNum > Mapping is not required
U_Acclrtn > Mapping is not required
U_TopSpeed > Mapping is not required
U_PowerPS > Mapping is not required
U_PowerKW > Mapping is not required
U_EngDsplt > Mapping is not required
U_Cylindrs > Mapping is not required
U_CtyCycCon > Mapping is not required
U_LngDisCon > Mapping is not required
U_FulConCom > Mapping is not required
U_CO2EmsCom > Mapping is not required
U_EmptyWght > Mapping is not required
U_TtlWght > Mapping is not required
U_FstRegDate > Mapping is not required
U_CarType > Mapping Required> /Mappings/MainGridList > Relation: DAT3 to OD Object Type: Vehicle Car Type
U_FuelType > Mapping Required > /Mappings/MainGridList > Relation: DAT3 to OD Object Type: Vehicle Fuel Type

Pages in OD DSW where the User can trigger the DAT3 Evaluation:

  • Lead/Opportunity: Tab Vehicles > Action-Line-Button

  • Business Partner: Tab Owned Vehicles > Action-Line-Button

  • Purchase Lead: Action Button

  • Trade-In Popup-Page: new Button “DAT3 Evaluation”

Example Add Trade-In in a Lead/Opportunity and execute the DAT 3 Evaluation:


NOTE: The Country of the BP must be "DE" (Related Table: OCRD field Country) (DAT doesn't accept different than "DE" as 'Country' parameter, as the user for DAT is authorised for German market.) and the currency of the BP must be "EUR" in order for DAT to accept it.

Business Benefit 

The connectivity with DAT ensures the availability of integrated vehicle data from a neutral source, which is recognized by all actors in the automotive industry.

DAT functions include, among other things, the exact identification of vehicles via VIN query, the creation of repair cost calculations, used vehicle evaluations, key figure analyses and residual value forecasts. Furthermore, if necessary, the rental car costs and the amount of the loss of use can be determined automatically.


  • Business Cases:

the below Business Cases must be assigned to the User

9384 DAT 3 Evaluation

  • Setup Key’s:




Allowed Values should be one of the available Pricelists.


Allowed Values should be one of the available Pricelists.


The URL of the DAT3 UI to open 

DAT3EvaluationContractUrlThe DAT3 Evaluation Contract URL


These keys are used to connect to the OD Adapter and should not be changed, unless required to do so by the OD Adapter team.





  •  Mapping:

U_CarType > Mapping Required > Url: ~/Mappings/MainGridList > Relation: DAT3 to OD Object Type: Vehicle Car Type
U_FuelType > Mapping Required > Url: ~/Mappings/MainGridList > Relation: DAT3 to OD Object Type: Vehicle Fuel Type

  • Revised DB Tables






The date the last DAT 3 Evaluation occurred



The user which evaluated the vehicle

Additional Information 

Feature Number: AVGA-811  AVGA-969 - Getting issue details... STATUS

QA-1606 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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