General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the a new service that will auto-create leads, based on an Omni-Channel anniversary campaign. The specific campaign, which is requested here, is the leasing expiration of vehicles.

Currently there is no procedure, to automatically create leads based on (anniversary) campaigns, coming from Omni-Channel.

Therefore, a new functionality is created on Omni-Channel side to call a specific service (API) to send selected Contact Persons, based on a campaign. 

On DSW side a new functionality is created to provide an API for leasing expiration cases and to create a lead without interest for the related BP.

Omni-Channel is enhanced with a functionality, to send the selected CPs (Omni-Channel only handles CPs) to DSW via API.

Therefore, DSW provided an API, that needs to be called by Omni-Channel.

The API provided for a specific use-case. The use-case for this example is the Automated Lead Creation for Leasing Expirations. Therefore, all CPs, which leasing expires in an X-amount of days, are provided via a recurring campaign (anniversary campaign) to DSW, to proceed for further steps.

DSW, in this case, provided an API for the leasing expirations. Through the API a lead (not an inquiry, since the CP, and therefore also the related BP, is known) without an interest will be created.

At this moment, it is not known, which vehicle will be requested by the end-customer.

The lead should be created for the assigned sales advisor and should also send a notification for a new lead (existing notification).

The lead should be created with source = Leasing Expiration, Channel = Campaign.

If there is no sales advisor assigned to the BP, then we should consult “Dealer Unit” with inquiry interest type=Leasing Expiration (should be created new).

The interest type to be used (for now – until a new interest type is defined for leasing expirations) is “Unknown”.



When the campaign is running for each Customer vehicles (owned vehicles) they have Leasing Expiration Date, the Leads will be created and the assigned Sales Person will receive a notification.


Customer Vegicle

Lead created and assigned to the Sales Person for this BP


The User can work with the Lead by adding a Vehicle. He has the possibility to select a different make.


Business Benefit


Inquiry Key Relation

URL: ~/SetupEntities/List/SalesAndLeads/IDMS_InquiryKeyRelation

After clicking at the “+” (plus button on the top right), set the relevant details. The important fields here are the following:

  • Inquiry Inbound Key
    • Its value needs to be set at the setup key “LeasingExpirationInquiryInboundKey”, as well
  • Auto Qualification flag
    • Need to be set to “Yes”

Dealer Unit

URL: ~/SetupEntities/List/SalesAndLeads/IDMS_DEALER_UNIT

After clicking at the “+” (plus button on the top right), set the relevant details. The important fields here are the following:

  • Common Company
    • Select the Company ID
  • Inquiry Interest Type
    • Set to “Leasing Expiration”
  • Employee
    • Select the desired employee that will handle the incoming inquiry

Example: OD QA DCPL > Dealer Unit > desired employee that will handle the incoming Inquiry-Lead Theo Rees = 90

DSW Webservice details

Method: POST

URL: <BASE_URL>/Leasing/CreateLeadsOnLeasingExpiration

Request header > Key: Authorization / Value: Bearer <API_KEY_BASE64>= QXBpS2V5RnJvbUxI




        "contactGlobalId": "700053_2596",

        "contactItemExternalId": "1000687",

        "vdlt": "test1leadsonleasingexp"



        "contactGlobalId": "700067_2605",

        "contactItemExternalId": "1000693",

        "vdlt": "test2leadsonleasingexp"




  • contactGlobalId will be the concatenation of BP code and CP code (i.e. “BPCode_CPCode“)

  • contactItemExternalId will be the vehicle code (@XIS_CARS.Code)


  • vdlt will be the “Vendallion Tracking Code” (saved in @IDMS_INQUIRY_BUFFER.U_IDMS_ReferralCode)


175 = Korina Charokopou

113 = Nikos Ioannou

Setup Keys:


Default Value









LeasingExpirationServiceApiKey = QXBpS2V5RnJvbUxI

LeasingExpirationInquiryInboundKey =LeasingExpirationInboundKey

LeasingExpirationWorkflowCode = It should contain a Workflow code that will be used for the lead

InquiryByCaseIntTpCd = UnknownVehicle

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  AVSB-129 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  ODP-4263 - Getting issue details... STATUS
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