


Feature No.

ODP-8865 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-8890 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features

Product (Demonstration)

Main Version


Patched Versions

Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with an enhancement in retail lead page. Specifically  the sidebar has been enhanced to show more information about the offer/order of the VOI and othe VOI info.

When an Offer is created sales advisor can see in the side bar

  • Offer Creation Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Status
  • Vehicle's photo(if there is not photo a default image is displayed)

After the order's creation sales advisor can see in the side bar

  • Offer Creation Date
    • The Offer that was converted to Order.
  • Order Creation Date
  • Expiration Date
    • Of the Order Document
  • Status
    • The OD Document Status (Approved, Signed order etc)
  • Finance Type
    • Of the order document
  • Finance Company
    • If the Finance Type is Leasing or Credit, Show the “Bank” field of the financing row.

There are five more fields filled by 3rd party:

  • Order no
  • Order Status
  • Delivery Information
  • Payment Status
  • Finance Company
    • Finance Company will be able to be filled by a 3rd party field, if empty the logic mentioned in the Order Case will be executed instead.

If one or more fields do not have data they will not be displayed in the sidebar.

Business Benefit 

Sales Advisors can see gathered information about the lead in the sidebar


Setup Keys

  • FinancingTypeCodeForLeasing: define the Leasing Types (Code of FinancingType, relevant optionField for FinanceType)
  • FinancingTypeCodeForCredit: define the Credit Types (Option of FinancingType, relevant optionField for FinanceType)

In order to define the Leasing and Credit Finance Types (since they are Option Fields) two new Setup Keys have been introduced. If the setup keys do not have values then the field "Finance Company" will not be displayed

Additional Information

1 Comment

  1. Field 'Expiration Date' is connected to the setup keys from the relevant feature: 2.58-4. Sales Offer Validity Date by Division Code

    • Setup Key: NewVehicleRetailOfferValidToDays / Entity Value: 30 (indicates the validity time frame for the Offer > 30 Days from the Date of the Offer Document Creation)
    • Setup Key: UsedVehicleRetailOfferValidToDays / Entity Value: 45 (indicates the validity time frame for the Offer > 45 Days from the Date of the Offer Creation applies to all other vehicle status except New Vehicles)
    • Setup Key: WholesaleOfferValidToDays / Entity Value: 15 (indicates the validity time frame for the Offer > 15 Days from the Date of the Offer Creation apples to all the vehicle)
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