


Feature No.

ODP-7397 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-7636 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

This feature is an enhancement regarding the stock locator page. Basically, the user should be able to see on the stock locator’s page on the filters only families/models that are applicable for search.

The product version of this page has been enhanced on its filters. In addition to the family and model as free text fields (family description and model description respectively), two more drop-down fields were added:

  • Family code in relation to family description (text field)

  • Model Code in relation to model description (text field)

The user now has three possible ways to search:

  • Using description fields

  • Using Code fields

  • Using both Description and Code fields

Filters are sent to integration layer and then to ODIL which should be responsible for their correct use and return of data.

Note: The new dropdown fields show only families and models that are applicable for search, not all of them.

Column Sorting

A second enhancement is the sorting of the columns.
All columns that are marked as sortable, can now be sorted.

Finally, the columns “MODEL DESCRIPTION” and “COLOR DESCRIPTION” were updated to show the full description, without truncating it.

Model Tree

A new field was added in Model table (XIS_MDLS) :

  • U_IDMS_StockLocatorExcluded

This field takes the values:

  1. zero (0) => “false”

  2. one (1) => “true”

This field is also reflected in the Model Tree view (IDMS_LSF_MODELVIEW) and represents any family or model that should be available on the Stock Locator’s page filters. Any families or models that have set this property to true (U_IDMS_StockLocatorExcluded = 1) are excluded, as result data, from the stock locator’s page filters.

The stock locator’s page filters on families and models, only shows data that are not excluded – meaning U_IDMS_StockLocatorExcluded <> 1.

Business Benefit

The user has now the privilege to exclude certain families of vehicles that the stock locator cannot retrieve


Business Cases:


Administration and Process pages:


Setup Keys:

Option Fields:





Transition Required Views


External Functions



Additional Information

Revised Tabe: XIS_MDLS

  • New field: U_IDMS_StockLocatorExcluded – Integer of values either zero or one.


  • New Field: StockLocatorExcluded – Integer of values either zero or one.


Inquiry Interest Types>>Opel with Interest type= Stock Locator existing

setup keys Integration Layer>>Genaral 

EnableNeuroOdil = Enabled

 EnableTRIntegrationLayer = Enabled


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