Report Identity




Sales Opportunities Branch (MultiMake)




Sales Opportunities Branch (MultiMake)

Business Case


Resource Code



DescriptionField (U_IDMS_ParamName)

Provided by UI

ValuesDefault Value
Date fromPDateFromYES

Date ToPDateToYES

List of Manufacturers

Opportunity TypePOpportunityTypeCode
  • All
  • Customers from Service
  • Fleet
  • Lease
  • Retail sale
  • Small Fleet


Channel CodePChannelCodeYES

Source CodePSourceCodeYES




Branch Code


The above parameters should be found at the @IDSM_CR_PARAMETER table (filtered by U_IDMS_ReportCode).

  • PValuesCalcRule (it defines the way used to count entries)
    • ALLINPERIOD: All values displayed are collected from within the DateFrom-DateTo period
    • MAININPERIOD: Only the main metric displayed is collected from within the DateFrom-DateTo period, the rest are collected with no time frame imposed

Report Layout 

Report Calculation Logic 

Header (green section)

Report NameSales Report: Sales Opportunities
MakeSelected "Make" from the parameters
Opportunity TypeSelected "Opportunity Type" from the parameters
DealershipSelected "Sales Area" from the parameters
PeriodDate from - Date to selected from the parameters
SourceSelected "Source" from the parameters or dash "-" if nothing is selected
ChannelSelected "Channel" from the parameters or dash "-" if nothing is selected

Body (red section)

Report Column

U_IDMS_EventTypeCode (values)

Workflow Transition/State


Sales Opp

(and/or CurrentWeekShownUpByPhone, CurrentWeekShownUpByEmail, CurrentWeekCustomersFromService)

** State IN → Initial Contact

Sales Opp Follow Ups


** State IN → Follow Up call
% (Sales Opp Follow Ups / Sales Opp)

(Sales Opp Follow Ups of the Sales Employee / Sales Opp of the Branch) * 100



* Transition IN → Offer
% (Offers/Sales Opp)

(Offers of the Sales Employee / Sales Opp of the Sales Employee) * 100
Offer Follow UpsCurrentWeekOfferFollowUp** State IN → Offer Follow Up Call
% Sales Opp

(Offer Follow Ups of the Sales Employee / Sales Opp of the Sales Employee) * 100
% Offers

(Offer Follow Ups of the Sales Employee / Offers of the Sales Employee) * 100

* Transition IN: the record that will be considered by the event, is created when the user selects the relevant transition and saves. 

** State IN: the record that will be considered by the event, is created when closing the activity of the STATE, during the selection of the next activity in the STATE (transition)


The report Sales Report: Sales Opportunities filters Leads/Opportunities according to the initial parameters provided. The main filter is the period. The report finds all relevant events (U_IDMS_EventTypeCode) to the VISIT event with a Visit Event DATE within the selected period. In addition, the report is excluding EVENTS that are related to LEADS with VOIs with non-existing Model in the Model tree.

  • UI parameters
    • Period (based on the Visit "Event Date")
    • Make Code (according to user dimensions permissions)
    • Opportunity Type
    • Families
    • Channel Code (It displays all available channels exist in IDMS_INQ_SOURCE table that at the field “U_IDMS_InstallationCode” has the value “PRODUCT”.)
    • Source Code (It displays all available sources exist in IDMS_INQUIRYCHANNEL table that at the field “U_IDMS_InstallationCode” has the value “PRODUCT”.)
  • Non-UI parameters
    • PValuesCalcRule - MAININPERIOD
    • PBranchCode (according to user dimensions permissions)

 and displays the summary of the “even types” as per below:

  • Sales Advisor” - it displays the “Sales Advisor” that the events were triggered by, "U_IDMS_Prop6Code" on the "@IDMS_EVNTRESULT" table and the “ΟΗΕΜ” table which holds the entire data “Orders”
  • Sales Opp
  • Sales Opp Follow Ups
  • (Sales Opp Follow Up) % - it is considered to reflect the ratio of “Sales Opp Follow Up” towards the “Sales Opp”
  • Offers
  • (Offers) % - it is considered to reflect the ratio of “Offers” towards the “Sales Opp”
  • Offer Follow Ups
  • (Offer Follow Up) % Sales Opp - it is considered to reflect the ratio of “Offer Follow Ups” towards the “Sales Opp”
  • (Offer Follow Up) % Offers - it is considered to reflect the ratio of “Offer Follow Ups” towards the “Offers”

Fields considered from table "@IDMS_EVNTRESULT"

  • Dates: "U_IDMS_EventDate" field
  • EntityType: "U_IDMS_EntityType" field with the “IDMS_Lead” value set
  • Entity: "U_IDMS_EntityCode" field
  • MakeCode: "U_IDMS_Prop1Code" field
  • BranchCode: "U_IDMS_Prop2Code" field
  • CompanyCode: "U_IDMS_Prop3Code" field
  • Location: "U_IDMS_Prop5Code" field
  • EventType: "U_IDMS_EventTypeCode" field
  • Source: “U_IDMS_InquirySource” field
  • Channel: “U_IDMS_InquiryChannelCode” field
  • No labels


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