General Description of the Feature

The feature deals with the development of a new widget that displays a small overview of the last 10 vehicles marked as published in the marketplace. 

Additionally, with the "More" action the users are navigated to a full list where they can select each published vehicle and get redirected into the vehicle card page for a more detailed review of the vehicle.


Business Benefit

The new widget will help the daily work of the advisors and users responsible for the vehicle publications in, with a small overview of the last 10 vehicles marked as published in the marketplace platform.


Business Cases:

  • 9400 - Automarin only

Widget Setup

Generic info:

  • Title: Vehicles published to marketplace
  • Resource key title: OD0010985
  • Bottom link URL: /Marketplace/CarGrPublishedVehiclesGridList
  • BC ID: 9400
  • Component Widget: Grid List
  • Dashboard Type: Homepage Dashboard

Admin settings:

  • Columns XML Configuration:

    XML Configuration of the widget
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
      <Column type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.GridList.GridListTextColumn, One.Core.UI.MVC">
      <Column type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.GridList.GridListTextColumn, One.Core.UI.MVC">
      <Column type="One.Core.UI.MVC.Pages.GridList.GridListDateTimeColumn, One.Core.UI.MVC">
        <ColumnName>Publication Date</ColumnName>
  • Top Count items: 10
  • Fully Qualified Name Interface: OneCore.Core.Interfaces.Common.GridDashboardWidgets.GridListWidget.IGridListItemsWidgetManager, OneCore.Core.Interfaces
  • Method Name: GetGridListItems

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  AM-235 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  ODP-3503 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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