The following setup needs to be applied in order to establish the bi-directional communication between OneDealer DSW and Proaxia VSS-DMS systems through ODIL.

Technical Configurations

All the following setup keys can be found through the setup page from the 9-dot menu by typing and select the "Setup" and then a gridlist opens which contains all the available setup keys of the system. 

Example url: ~/SetupEntities/List/Administration/Setup

Then the user can enter in the search field the preferred setup key in order to find and edit it.

In order to enable the connection between DSW and ODIL, a “Token” session must be created.  This is applied through the Setup Key: EnableTRIntegrationLayer and the Entity Value of this key must be set to "True". To do this select the arrow at the right at select "edit"

Along with each initial setup, the following ones must be configured depending on the values that OD development team will provide for each installation:

  • Enable ODIL Neuro API (Integration Layer)

Setup Key: EnableNeuroOdil

Entity Value: True

Setup KeyEnableTRIntegrationLayer

Entity Value: True

  • Set Integration Layer Session Duration (Do not change)

Setup keyThinkRitSessionDuration

Entity "Example" Value: 30 (Preset)

“The duration, in minutes, before the session expires (e.g. 45)”

  • Define OAuth ClientID and ClientSecret (Needed to Authenticate OneDealer DSW Tenant to the integration layer).  

Setup Key: NeuroOdilAuthClientId  / Entity Value: d787d2dc-9a1b-4cf9-a459-cfd20f25b835 (example value from SIT Environment) / 8f9818f9-2455-49a5-b208-425ef53d8702 (example value from UAT Environment)

Setup Key: NeuroOdilAuthClientSecret / Entity Value: _~zp0o2M~.Pg1X1VzD-8YVsRak34LoN-b0 (example value from SIT Environment) / QY57Q~tKpxqwYTyuXiMJTkBIisZCCsryRx4oB (example value from UAT Environment)

  • Define base urls for the exposed endpoints (& Session retrieval)

Setup Key: NeuroOdilBaseUrl

Value:  (For TEST/DEV/SIT/UAT Environments)

Value:  (For PROD Environments)

Notice that PROD Environments are using a lot more Azure resources and thus usage costs are affected

Setup Key: NeuroOdilAuthUrl

Value:  (For All Environments)

  • Setup Integration Layer service-call Routing (Endpoint Tags)

Setup keyOdilSourceEndpointTag 

Entity "Example" Value: "end-onedealer-proaxia-company-a" (example value from SIT Environment)  OR "onedealer-proaxia-uat" (example value from UAT Environment)

The Source Endpoint Tag essentially binds the baseUrl of the service call originator App an alias. With such the integration layer knows the source system. By combining this with the target Endpoint tag the integration layer is able to apply Static & Dunamic Mappings and propagate the incoming payload resolved correctly to the target system.

Setup key: OdilTargetEndpointTags  

Entity "Example" Value: "end-proaxia-company-a" (example value from SIT Environment) OR  "proaxia-uat" (example value from UAT Environment)

The Target Endpoint Tag essentially binds the baseUrl of the target App to an alias. By combining this with the target Endpoint tag the integration layer is able to apply Static & Dunamic Mappings and propagate the incoming payload resolved correctly to the target system. Notice, that there can be numerous target systems and thus the OdilTargetEndpointTags can have numerous tags.

Setup key DMSRoutingCode  (Company specific routing)

Entity "Example Value":  "ProaxiaC1" (example value from SIT Environment) 

If for any reason, a particular "Company" of a Tenant, needs to target a different Target DMS System, then the User must define the respective Endpoint Tag in the DMSRoutingCode form field of the company Setup which will override what is configured for the OdilTargetEndpointTags  (explained above)

See also APPENDIX.1

  • Setup Document Status Matrix

Setup key: EnableDocumentStatusMatrix

Entity Value: "True"/"False"

See also APPENDIX.2


1. Setting the DMS routing code

URL: ~/UserManagement/CompaniesList

Example from SIT Environment

Example from UAT Environment

2. Setup Document Status Matrix (DSM)

Document status Matrix is a new feature that enables the sales process to be (indirectly) in sync with the DMS order statuses. By enabling DSM feature, in DSW, the Document Status can be set to specific statuses based on the response of the service creating the order in the DMS. That said, the DocumentStatus can be configured to a certain status upon service* failure (HTTP 4XX, 5XX) and to another one for (2XX). 

The requirement dictates that, upon service failure, the DocumentStatus can be set to "Blocked" and that the User should be able to setup a dedicated Workflow (WF) Validation, the invalidation of which, blocks the user to move the Workflow State any further.

URL: ./SetupEntities/DocumentStatusMatrixGridList

DSM GridList Page


Use can add a new DSM Entry by selecting:

  1. DocumentType    (Enum DocumentType value)
  2. DocumentStatus (Enum DocumentStatus value to be set upon service failure)
  3. DocumentStatus (Enum DocumentStatus value to be set upon service success)


3. DMS Synced Entity Actions

In the integration layer we offer configurability when it comes to which entities are synchronized with the DMS (through ODIL). The setup of the entity actions that can be enabled or disabled through the dedicated page OneDealer offers.

URL: ~/SetupEntities/SyncEntityActionsGridList


In the DMS Sync Entity Action Page the user can view, add or edit the configured entity actions as shown below.

DMS Synced Entity Actions GridList page

  • New entity actions can be added by the Page action (top-right) which will prompt the user the the "AddSyncEntityActions" popup.
  • For existing actions in the list the user can either delete or edit them using the respective grid list page actions.

New Entity Action Popup Form


The form contains 3 fields:

  • DMS Synced Entity Action (mandatory). Here the user can select from a dropdown list the actions he wants to configure (enable/disable)
  • Description (optional). Here the user can add a plain text description for the respective action
  • DMS Sync Enabled (optional). A toggle switch to enable or disable the DMS synchronization accordingly.

Edit entity action

Similarly the "UpdateSyncEntityActions" form contains the same 3 fields as above:

  • DMS Synced Entity Action (read-only). Here the user can select from a dropdown list the actions he wants to configure (enable/disable)
  • Description. Here the user can add a plain text description for the respective action
  • DMS Sync Enabled. A toggle switch to enable or disable the DMS synchronization accordingly.


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