Access Control List: Is an alternative way to assign specific permissions (aka Business Cases) to a User that needs to be differentiated from the rest of the users in his Group. So instead of creating a new Role with the specific Business Cases (maybe it is only one) and a new Group only for this specific User, you can assign this Business Case directly to the User through the Access Control List.
Through the Action Control List you can also assign specific Business Cases to the User per Company. So, when he is logged in one Company he has this special permission assigned to him but when he is logged in to another Company he doesn't have it.

By opening the Action Control List you can easily monitor all the Business Cases this User has per Company, monitor any changes made to this User and change the authorization this specific User has no matter what his Role inherits to them.

In the first tab "BCs in BC Groups" we can find all the created, as of now, BC Groups. The ones that have the small arrow next to them means that they already have BCs assigned to them while the others are still empty. By tapping on the arrow you can open or close the contents of this BC Group.

The tick mark next to each BC shows that this specific User has this BC and thus access (authorization) to this specific feature. So, from here we can monitor all the authorization this User has and personalize them if needed without creating a new Role just for one unique User.

Finally, at the last column "Inherited From" we can monitor the changes. If the box is blue it means that this User inherited or not all these Business Cases from the Role they belong to. While on the other hand if the box is red, it means that this BC set up on this User differs from the BCs their Role set up has.

In the second tab "Other BCs" you can find all the rest of the BCs that are not grouped in a BC Group, yet or are not going to be grouped. In this page the monitoring works in a similar way as explained above. The only difference is that changing the access status here is through the arrow at the right part of the list and by selection the row action selecting Change Access.

Also, at the top right Actions button you can find the button "Inherit BCs from User's Role", which is actually returns the User to normal state by reversing any changes you made through here and assigning them only the BCs their Role has.

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