2.42-1.a General Description of the Feature 

This Feature deals with the possibility to automatically add options as Item Lines (e.g., Equipment and/or Services) on the Offer sheet during the offer process.

In addition, deals with the possibility to set up, separately in a new configuration page, the rules based on which the system should validate the automatically added extra lines.

A new enhancement for the field "Item Code" has been implemented. The Setup Key "ItemGroupsCommaList" enables the dropdown list to display Items that belong to the configured/selected Items Groups, for a better usability.

An Admin User can add new rules from a pop-up window that will include various fields/variables. (Please refer to the section Configuration)

An automatically added Item Line can be edited or deleted by the Sales Executive based on the setup made by the Admin User.

Offer form

The new automatic lines are added below the vehicle line and include all the information based on the existing columns in the offer sheet.

Clarification to the usage of the VAT Code (VAT Code & VAT Percentage):

For non-German Localization: the VAT from the related Item will be used

For German Localization: the "existing" logic to calculate vat group and any possible changes on tax deposit line based on the Offer Type (EU, Non-EU, domestic) will be used

2.42-1.b Business Benefit 

The User "Sales Executive" manages the offers in an automated, fastest, and most controlled manner and according to the company's strategy, limiting any omissions during the offer creation process.

2.42-1.c Configuration

The "Auto Document Lines" can be set up via the "Menu" page:

  • Name: “Auto Document Lines”
  • URL: …/SetupEntities/List/SalesAndLeads/IDMS_AUTODOCLINES

This is the Info for the above-mentioned Menu page:

  • Business Case ID: 1971
  • Translation Resource: OD0007472

The page includes at the top right corner a plus button “+” (following the basic OneDealer UI).

New Form on “Auto Document Lines” page include:




Input box. The User can fill this with a code or leave it empty and the system will automatically add a GUID (alphanumerical code).


Input box. The User can fill this with a code or leave it empty and the system will automatically add a GUID (alphanumerical code).

Make, Family, Model

A control similar to the one in the vehicle creation form that includes drop down data from the model tree.

Start Date

Date Input box with the help of a date picker

End Date

Date Input box with the help of a date picker

Item Code

Searchable drop-down with data source from the available items in the environment (table: OITM)

Setup Key: “ItemGroupsCommaList” with the Item Group Codes that enables the dropdown list to display the necessary Item Codes for a better usability.


Input box with max length 254 chars


Input box, numeric values

Customer Group

Searchable drop-down with data source the available BP Groups in the environment (table: @IDMS_BPGROUP)

Industry Group

Searchable drop-down with data source the available Industry Groups from the BP Card page (table: OOND)

Sales Types

Searchable drop-down with data source the available static list of Sales Types.

Vehicle Status

Searchable drop-down with data source the available Vehicle Statuses (page: Car Statuses - IDMS_CUSTAPP_PARAMS)

Model Year From

Input box, numeric (4-digit validation)

Model Year To

Input box, numeric (4-digit validation)

Editable in Offer

Switch Control, Yes/No (0/1 values in the DB)

The system can automatically recognize at any moment which of the lines have been added in the offer sheet automatically. This is because these lines are marked as “auto lines” in the related database table

2.42-1.d Additional Information

Feature Number: AVGA-844 / AVGA-56


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