General Description of the Feature

A new page has been developed, which gives the opportunity to admin users to handle and configure the available Payment Methods in cases where the B1 DMS (or another DMS) is not available.

The Payment Methods appear in the Offer preparation page during the sales process in single-selection drop down.

  • The newly developed page can be accessed through the URL ~/SetupEntities/PaymentTermsGridList and includes a grid list with all the available payment terms.
  • Each payment term row has two possible actions
    • Edit: A pop-up with all the information will open and the user can edit and update the record
    • Delete
  • The page has an Action button "Add New Payment Term", which opens the pop-up where a new payment term can be created.
  • The pop-up where someone can edit or add a payment term includes the following fields:
    • Name: Free text
    • Due Date Based on: Based on what parameter the system should count the payment term when this includes a date limit (i.e. 10 days net). This field is relevant in cases there is an integration with a DMS and the accounting department.
      • Document Date
      • Posting Date
      • System Date
    • System Date
      • No selection <empty> 
      • Half Month
      • Month End
      • Month Start
    • Number Of Additional Months: The number of months if there is a due date set in months
    • Number Of Additional Days: The number of days if there is a due date set in days
    • Number Of Tolerance Days: The number of tolerance days in regards to the payment.

    • Open Incoming Payment
      • No
      • Cash
      • Checks
      • Credit
      • Bank Transfer
  • The above fields are only informative for DSW and in the UI of the offer preparation only the name of each payment method is displayed.

Business Benefit

The administrator users are able to manage and configure the available payment methods from within DSW in the cases that there is no DMS integration.



  • The URL to access the page is: ~/SetupEntities/PaymentTermsGridList
  • The Menu item is called: Payment Terms

Additional Information

Feature No.: ODP-1401

Extra relevant ticket for v.2.42: QA-471


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