General Description of the Feature 

The vehicle page in S&L (Digital Sales Workplace) has been restructured and new fields have been added (with the indicator NEW)

The Tab "Details" contains the following sections and fields

Section 1 - Vehicle information 

Vehicle ID - Code

Vehicle status: U_Status

Salable – U_Salable (un-editable) Changes via Action (NEW)

Make - U_Mnfctr

Family – U_Grp

Model - U_MdlDesc

Vehicle type - U_CarType

Body Style - U_BdyStyle

VIN - U_VCode

First registration - U_FstRegDate

Mileage - U_LastKm


Engine type 2 - U_ENGINETYPE_CODE2 (NEW)

Power (PS) 2 – U_PowerPS2 (NEW)

Power (KW) 2 - PowserKW2 (NEW)

Power (PS) – U_PowerPS

Power (KW) - PowserKW


Gear type – U_GearType

Fuel type – U_FuelType

Fuel type 2– U_FuelType2 (NEW)

Engine Displacement – U_EngDsplt (NEW)

Engine Displacement2 - U_EngDsplt2 (NEW)

Color – U_CarColor (Exterior Color)

Manufacturer Color name – U_MnfctClNm (Manufacturer Color)

Manufacture Color code – U_MnfctClCd

Interieur Color – U_IntrColor

Interieur type – U_IntrType

Section 2 - Main Information

Plate No.: U_LicNum (License plate)

Owner BP – U_OwnBPN

Sponsor BP – U_SpnsrBPN

Vendor BP – U_SellerBPCode

Usage Type –U_UsageType

Amount of Owner - U_EXT_NmOfPrevOwnr (Number of Vehicles Owners)

Sales price: USPricelist or from OD price logic – Including TAX (Price)

Tax reclaimable: XIS_DEAL; U_DiffTax (Checkbox) *The tax reclaimable checkbox is not shown when there is no deal for a Vehicle in XAS_DEAL.

Listprice: U_ListPrice

Production Date - U_VhlMnfDate (Production Year)

Available for Sales from: U_DemoPeriodDate

Branch - U_BranchNm

Location – U_CustSite

Section 3 - Warranty and Damages

Warranty end date – U_WrrntyDt

Warranty KM limitation – U-WrrntyKm

Has fixed damages - U_FixedDmg (Checkbox)

Fixed Damage value – U_FixDmgVal

Fixed Damage description – U_FixDmgDsc

Accident vehicle – U_AccidentCar (Checkbox)

Current Accident Damage - U_WithCurrAccidentDmg (Checkbox)

Accident Value – U_AcdntVal

Accident Description – U_AcdntDsc

Section 4 – Emission

Fuel Consumption (Combined) U_FulConCom

Fuel Consumption (Urban) U_CtyCycCon

Fuel Consumption (Extra Urban) U_LngDisCon

Combined CO2 emissions (gr/km) U_CO2EmsCom

Fuel Consumption 2(Combined) U_FulConCom2 (NEW)

Fuel Consumption 2 (Urban) U_CtyCycCon2 (NEW)

Fuel Consumption 2 (Extra Urban) U_LngDisCon2 (NEW)

Combined CO2 emissions 2 (gr/km) U_CO2EmsCom2 (NEW)

Micro Particle Badge: U_PtrclMass

Polutant Level – U_PolutantLvl (Emission Class)

Emission Standard Code – U_EmdStdCd (NEW) Business Benefit 

It was important to have more information about the vehicle. Configuration 

None. Additional Information 

 Feature Number: ODP-986


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