General Description of the Feature

An extra field of Customer's "Identity Card Number" is added in the "Test Drive" pop-up window for the non accompanied by a salesperson test drive.

Basic data logic validation(s)

The value entered in this field updated the field “Identity Card Number” in the Contact Person card. Business Benefit

In case of non-escorted test drive it is important to take the Identity Card Number of the customer. Configuration

The above described functionality is the result of a developed set of an External Function (GL_TDCustomerDataAnd2ndAct) and a Transition Required View (GL_TDCustomerData).

Both must be added together under a Workflow transition and only then, the above process is triggered . Since the process is related to the data gathered and the vehicle used, it is mandatory to use this set of functions in a transition after a Test-Drive appointment is arranged. Additional Information 



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