General Description

This feature deal with the integration between DSW and the AVAG Dispo-tool with intermediate the OneDealer Exchange API adapter.

Dispo-tool window and mapping

During the Offer acceptance and Order Agreement creation the newly developed "Dispo-tool" pop-up window appears , where the User can prepare and note various information needed for the Dispo-tool. The available data that appear into the drop-downs of the various fields are send from the Dispo-tool through the integration with the adapter.

Most of the fields can be pre-filled from the system, in the cases where the Dispo-tool values have been mapped properly with the relevant DSW values. The objects that can be mapped from Dispo-tool values to DSW values are:

  • Vehicle Makes
  • Vehicle Models
  • Sales Persons (for Sales Person and Purchaser)
  • Financing Types
  • Branches

Additionally, a new service has been created “.../SalesOpportunity/DispotoolModelsCachingAndNotify". As soon as this is called (manually/automatically), all the possible calls are made to the AVAG Dispotool, the possible values are stored in cache and notifications are send to the configured users informing them if there are any missing mappings.

The fields that appear into the Dispo-tool pop-up are relevant to the Vehicle Status (new/used):

VINFilled with VIN from the Sales Lead/Opportunity. Only shown as information
Business PartnerFilled with BP Name from the Sales Lead/Opportunity. Only shown as information
Order DateFilled with Order Date from the Sales Lead/Opportunity. Only shown as information.
Sales Price incl. VATFilled with Total Sales Price incl. VAT from the Sales Lead/Opportunity. Only shown as information.
Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool Mapping Setup with Field Type Branch.
 ManufacturerOnly visible and mandatory if Vehicle Status = Used Vehicle.
Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool Mapping Setup with Field Type Used Car Make
 Model IDMandatory.
Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool Mapping Setup


Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool Mapping Setup with Field Type Salesperson

 PurchaserVisible and mandatory only if Vehicle Status = Used Vehicle.
Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool Mapping Setup with Field Type Salesperson
Purchase Category ID


Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool

  • If Vehicle Status = New or Demo then filter on Field Type = New Car Purchase Category 
  • If Vehicle Status = Used Car then with filter on Field Type = Used Car Purchase Category
 Sales Category


Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool

  • If Vehicle Status = New or Demo then filter on Field Type = New Car Sales Category
  • If Vehicle Status = Used Car then with filter on Field Type = Used Car Sales Category
 Finance Type

Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool Mapping Setup with Field Type Finance.

Possible Dispo-tool values:

  • Bar (code=2)
  • Finanzierung (code=3)
  • Leasing (code=4)

Based on the selected Financing Type, different fields will be available form the following:

  • Financing ID
  • Running Time in months
  • Financing Amount (only visible if Finance Type = 2)
  • Leasing Residual Value (only visible if Finance Type = 3)
  • Leasing Running time (km) (only visible if Finance Type = 3)
Financing ID

New field in the Document Table.


Drop-Down with Values from the AVAG Dispotool: 

  • If Finance Type = 2 then filter on Field Type = Finance Bank 
  • If Finance Type = 3 then filter on Field Type= Finance Leasing
Running Time in month

New field in the Document Table. Type Integer.

Mandatory if Financing <> None.

 Financing Amount

New field in the Document Table. Type Value.

Visible and mandatory only if Finance Type = 2

Leasing Residual Value

New field in the Document Table. Type Value.

Visible and mandatory only if Finance Type = 3

Leasing Running Time

New field in the Document Table. Type Integer.

Visible and mandatory only if Finance Type = 3

Dispo-tool approval

Additionally, a new Approval type has been developed, called: "Dispotool order approval". Each Order Agreement creation and Dispo-tool info preparation has to pass from an approval. The responsible person can check, evaluate and change any information needed from the Dispo-tool Approval page, which he can access by clicking the relevant Approval Notification.

A new external function has been created which is called "Create Order document & Dispo-tool". This Ext. Function should be included in the Approved transition of the Order Approval Process. This Ext. Function creates the Order Document in DSW and calls the Dispo-tool in order to transfer various information from the lead, BP, vehicle and Dispo-tool pop-up.

The Dispo-tool has two different methods - endpoints available to be called based on the vehicle status. Different information are transferred to the Dispo-tool based on called method.

As a result in both cases the Dispo-tool replies and delivers the Contract ID. The Dispo-tool info previously filled, alongside with the Order Document DocEntry and the Dispo-tool Contract ID will be stored in the new IDMS_ DISPOTOOL table.

Cancel Dispo-tool Contract ID

A new External function has been created which is called "Cancel Dispotool Contract": This Ext.Function should be included in a new transition "Cancel Order" after the Order Approval process. This functions calls either the “CancelUsedCarContract” or the “CancelNewCarContract” method depending on the case and informs the Dispo-tool accordingly.

Business Benefit

With the introduction of the Dispo-tool functionality during the Create Order Agreement process, the Sales Advisors can store a more accurate and effectively order related data for the relevant lead. In addition, the integration with the AVAG Dispo-tool application will help the daily work of preparing the sales order with automated interactions between the two applications.


  1. Setup Keys for the Integration:
    1. "AVAGDispotoolCompanyID": Dispotool AVAG Company ID. Used for the services (MandantID). Default value "40"
    2. "AVAGDispotoolWebRequestKey": Dispotool request “Key” property. Used for the services. Default value "b4Z2uzbF1s67"
    3. "DispoFinFinancing": Value od Dispotool Finance type “Financing”. Default value "2"
    4. "DispoFinLeasing": Value od Dispotool Finance type “Leasing”. Default value "3"
  2. Mappings preparation:
    1. Access the mappings setup page in DSW (.../Mappings/MainGridList) 
    2. Filter with Relation = “Dispotool to Onedealer”
    3. find a list of all the mapping categories and map all the relevant values. Mapping categories:
      1. Vehicle Makes
      2. Vehicle Models (optional)
      3. Sales Persons (for Sales Person and Purchaser)
      4. Financing Types
      5. Branches
  3. Mappings Notification System:
    1. The service for the "Mappings Notification system" is: “.../SalesOpportunity/DispotoolModelsCachingAndNotify".
      (info) Note: If the mappings notifications should run as a daily task, then a scheduler should be configured in OneFire by the OD IT for each OneDealer environment.
    2. Relevant Setup-Key: 
      1. “AVAGDispotoolNewDataInfoTo”: User ID of the user that will be notified for unmapped Dispo-tool values. Can be inserted more than once and possible values: OUSR codes.
    3. For running a daily task and OneFire scheduler should be configured from the IT department. Currently in AVAG the daily scheduler is set to run every day at 00:00 a.m UTC
  4. Approval process:
    1. New Approval type: Dispotool Order Approval
    2. Relevant Setup-Key:
      1. "OrderDiscountApprovalManagers": Users that get the Approval Notifications. Possible values: Comma separated OUSR codes.
  5. Workflow:
    1. Transition Required views:
      1. "SimplySalesOfferAcceptView": Is the transition where the order document is generated, i.e "Create Order Agreement" and is enhanced with the  Dispo view. 
    2. External Functions:
      1. "Create Order document & Dispotool" : This Ext. Function should be included in the Approved transition of the Order Approval Process.
      2. Remove the "Create Order document" from the "Create Order Agreement" transition. It is included in the above ext. function
      3. "Cancel Dispotool Contract": This Ext. Function should be included in a new transition  "Cancel Order" after the Order Approval process.

Existing Configuration:

  1. Setup Keys for the Adapter:
    1. ODExchangeAPIUrl: The URL of the Adapter. Current value in AVAG FAT:
    2. ODExchangeAPICId: The Company Code for the Adapter. Current value in AVAG FAT: AVAGTEST
    3. ODExchangeAPIDId: The Domain Code for the Adapter. Current value in AVAG FAT: RCGENDEV
    4. ODExchangeAPIUnm: The Username for the Adapter login.
    5. ODExchangeAPIPwd: The Password for the Adapter login.

Adapter Important Info

There is one adapter per project and multiple functionalities that require the adapter in order to function, so the values in these setup keys should be agreed with the adapter team per project and also be compatible for all the functionalities that use the adapter.

Related info

2.46-99.4. Issue with "SimplySalesOfferAcceptView" between Dispotool and GME Configurator

Description of the Bug 

This fix is related with AVGA-25 (feature included in version 2.45) and AVGA-805 (feature included in version 2.46)

In feature AVGA-25 and the relevant FDD, it is mentioned that for the Dispotool we haven't created a new transition required view  but we used the existing "SimplySalesOfferAcceptView" and enhanced it with the Dispotool only in cases of AVAG tenant. 

Because of the feature AVGA-805 the VOIs are coming from the GME Configurator which means that they are not inventory vehicles and thus they have no Vehicle Status. So, when trying to Create an Order Agreement in these leads it is not possible with the "SimplySalesOfferAcceptView" without its Dispotool properties and validations.


A fix was developed with a new Transition Required View with description DispotoolSalesDocumentOfferAcceptView and name AVAG_OrderD that can be used in the workflows that need the Dispotool functionality in the Offer Accept transition. This way we managed to differentiate the workflows that need the dispotool to open.

Actions to follow the deployment 

The administration user must re-configure the  workflows related with Dispotool.

Ticket reported: AVGA-1081

Additional Information

Feature No.: AVGA-25

This feature was enhanced with a change/fix in version 2.46.14 which is changing the mandatory Transition Required View.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Team,

    regarding to Stefan Podboj we should never map "Vehicle Models"! Could you please delete it from here:

    Mappings preparation:

    1. Access the mappings setup page in DSW (.../Mappings/MainGridList) 
    2. Filter with Relation = “Dispotool to Onedealer”
    3. find a list of all the mapping categories and map all the relevant values. Mapping categories:
      1. Vehicle Makes
      2. Vehicle Models

    Kind regards

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