Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Below you will find the available values that you can use inside the workflow document templates. For constant up-to-date documentation of available values, check OD Document Printing - Standard Interface




Document Header




Document Number


Document Series No.


Parent Document Number


The type of the document (Offer, Order, Handover etc) the available values will be provided by the print provider


Document Sub Type


Document Name


Payment Method chosen from the dropdown       


O=Open C=Close

This is not working this way and should be removed


Code of the Company


Name of the Company


Will be included in version 3.5.0


Street of the Company


Street No of the Company


Address of the Company


Zip Code of the Company


City of the Company


Country of the Company


Manager of the Company


Phone of the Company

location's phone


Fax of the Company

location's phone2


Company Mobile 1


Company Mobile 2


Email of the Company






Company Internal BP’s Name


Company Internal BP’s Address


Company Internal BP’s Street


Company Internal BP’s City


Company Internal BP’s Zip Code


Company Internal BP’s Country Description


Company Internal BP’s Telephone 1


Company Internal BP’s Mobile


Company Internal BP’s Tax Office


Company Internal BP’s Federal Tax ID


Company Internal BP’s Register No.


Company Internal BP’s Email Address


Business Partner Card Code

{Header.CustomerDMSCode}Business Partner DMS Code


Business Partner Presentation Series


Alternative Currency’s exchange rate


Business Partner Name


Contact Person salutation


Contact Person last + middle + first name


Contact Person mobile phone

Is the same as cp.MobilePhone


Contact Person telephone

Is the same as cp.Phone1


Contact Person email


Contact Person birth date


Invoicing Address       

Address fields comes from cp and if were null comes from BP bill to and then BP ship to addresses


Street Number











Business Partner Type



Employee Code


Employee Last + First Name


Employee Email


Employee Office Phone


Employee Mobile Phone


Employee Job Title


Employee Fax


Date of the document creation or update date


Same date formatted


The date of the document generation


The time of the document generation


The datetime of the document generation (dateNow + timeNow)


Default Currency Code           

This value comes from setup key "DefaultCurrencyCode"


Language Code of the user


Document Sub Type






BP Vat rate


BP Vat Group


Net Total Amount


Vat Sum


Full Total Amount

{Header.TotalDiscountAmount}Total Discount Amount
{Header.TotalNetAmountWithoutDiscount}Total Net Amount Without Discount
{Header.OfferValidToDate}ExpirationDate ("d" stringified)
{Header.ProcessCurrencySymbol}Process Currency Symbol
{Header.AltCurrency}Alternative Currency Code
{Header.AltCurrencySymbol}Alternative Currency Symbol
{Header.CompanyInternalBPStreetNo}Company Internal BP's Street No
{Header.CompanyInternalBPBankAccounts}List of BPBankDetailsModel
(new section with a lot of fields)
with the following properties:


Flag if this is a default account or not

AbsEntryThe Bank entry's code
CardCodeThe BP code this bank account is bound to
BankCodeThe code of the Bank bound to this bank account
BankNameThe name of the Bank
CountryCodeBank account's country code
CountryNameBank account's country name
AccountThe account code
AccountDescriptionAccount description
BranchBank account's branch code
AcctNameAccount Name
SwiftNumSwift Num
SeqTypeSEQ Type
{Header.CustomerTitle}Contact Person Title Translated
{Header.CustomerLicenseDate}Contact Person License Date
{Header.CustomerLicenseNumber}Contact Person License Number
{Header.CustomerIdentityCardNumber}Contact Person IdNo
{Header.CustomerProfession}Business Partner Profession
{Header.CustomerListOfBPGroupNames}List of BPGroupNames [string]
{Header.CustomerTaxOffice}Business Partner U_IDMS_TaxOffice
{Header.TotalNetAmountAltCurrency}TotalNetAmount converted to alternative Currency
{Header.VatSumAltCurrency}VatSum converted to alternative Currency
{Header.TotalFullAmountAltCurrency}TotalFullAmount converted to alternative Currency


Document U_IDMS_EstimatedDeliveryDate

New Grouping Lines
{Header.AddressLines}: Document items of type Address, 
{Header.ModelColorLines}: Document items of type Model/Color (Group), 
{Header.AnalyticalLines}: Document items of type Model/Color/Option (Exact Configuration)





Document Lines


Document Line ID


Document Line Type  

1 - Spare Part

2 - Labor

3 - Oil

4 - Sublet

10 - Vehicle (specific vehicle with VIN)

11 - Vehicle Additional Equipment

40 - Tax Line

60 - Information Line(plain text)

99 - Other


Document Line Item Code


Document Line Description


Document Line Quantity


Document Line Net Unit Price

{Lines.PriceAltCurrency}Net Unit Price in alternative Currency


Document Line Discount Percentage


Document Line Net Unit Price Minus Discount

{Lines.PriceWithDiscAltCurrency}PriceWithDisc in alternative Currency


Document Line Vat Code


Document Line Vat Rate


Document Line Vat Sum

{Lines.VatSumAltCurrency}VatSum in alternative Currency


Document Line Total Amount

{Lines.LineSumAltCurrency}LineSum in alternative Currency


Document Line Text


Document Line Order


Document Parent Line ID

Document Signatures


Signed Image filepath

Use this property to define where we attach the digital signatures


Signed Image in base 64           


Document Sales Incentives


Related Sales Incentive Code


Sales Incentive code


DMS Item number


Sales Incentive description


Sales Incentive price as amount

{SalesIncentives.DiscountPriceAltCurrency}Sales Incentive price as amount in alternative Currency


Sales Incentive price as percentage (based on the Net Total Amount of the Document Items)


VAT Code (i.e. A2, A24)


VAT percentage (i.e. 19%, 24%)


VAT sum of the current Sales Incentive line

{SalesIncentives.VatSumAltCurrency}VAT sum of the current Sales Incentive line in alternative Currency


Final price of Sales Incentive line after VAT

{SalesIncentives.GrossListPriceAltCurrency}Final price of Sales Incentive line after VAT in alternative Currency

Document Down Payments


Date the deposit was made


Payment method code


Payment method description (Name)


The amount that was deposited

{DocumentDownPayments.DepositAmountAltCurrency}The amount that was deposited in alternative Currency


The Offer's remaining amount to be paid after any deposits.

{DocumentDownPayments.RemainAmountAltCurrency}The Offer's remaining amount to be paid after any deposits. in alternative Currency


Remarks on the deposit


Vat Group Code


Vat Group description (Name)

Document Financing


Bank Code


Bank Name


Advance Payment Amount

{Financing.AdvancePaymentAmountAltCurrency}Advance Payment Amount in alternative Currency


Credited Capital

{Financing.CreditedCapitalAltCurrency}Credited Capital in alternative Currency


Installment Period.


Number of Installments



{Financing.InstallmentAltCurrency}Installment in alternative Currency


Installment Rate


Baloon Installment

{Financing.BaloonInstallmentAltCurrency}Baloon Installment in alternative currency


Wholesale lead entity

















Group Lines

A list of all groups









Vehicle LinesA list of all vehicles











Regarding the “smart” notifications, the following fields are being used:
