Widget UX Details

In Business Partner Dashboard displayed Service Leads widget. To found this widget user goes to BP grid list. Select to edit a BP. Select the eye icon to open the BP Dashboard and from Actions button select Add Widget. In this widget displayed the business partner's Service Leads.

TitleService Leads
Resource Key - TitleOD0001258
DescriptionCurrent Business Partner Service Leads
Recourse Key - DescriptionOD0004695
Business Case200251650
ComponentGrid List
Entity DashboardBusinessPartnerCardPage

Widget Functional Details

Widget Grid List


  • Co. Owner Name
  • Open Date
  • Model code

Widget Redirection

When user selects a Lead system redirects to Service Lead page.

Widget Technical Details

EntityKey (For filtering)OwnerCode
Fully Qualified Name InterfaceOneCore.Core.Interfaces.Common.GridDashboardWidgets.GridListWidget.IGridListItemsWidgetManager, OneCore.Core.Interfaces
Method NameGetGridListItems
  • No labels


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