Widget UX Details

In Business Partner Dashboard Complaints widget is displayed. In order to find this widget user navigates to BP grid list and chooses to edit a BP. Then the user clicks the eye icon and the BP Dashboard loads. In this page the user selects to  Add Widget. In this widget displayed the business partner's Complaints.

TitleComplaints List
Resource Key - TitleOD0005060
Business Case2504
ComponentGrid List
Entity DashboardBusinessPartnerCardPage

Widget Functional Details

Widget Grid List


  • Title
  • Assignee User Name
  • Escalation Level
  • Target Division

Widget Redirection

When user selects a complaint system redirects to Complaint management page.

Widget Technical Details

EntityKey (For filtering)U_IDMS_BPCode
Fully Qualified Name InterfaceOneCore.Core.Interfaces.Common.GridDashboardWidgets.GridListWidget.IGridListItemsWidgetManager, OneCore.Core.Interfaces
Method NameGetGridListItems
  • No labels


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