


Feature No.

PROCAR-493 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

PROCAR-499 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features



2025.0.0, 3.7.0-Procar

Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

The feature introduces the functionality to store BMW campaign information within the Business Partner (BP) entity in OneDealer. This development enables the handling and integration of campaign data linked to BP entities, enhancing the tracking and management of campaigns associated with specific business partners.

Webservice Functionality:

  • Implemented a webservice for RSP+ that handles requests to create or update campaigns attached to BP entities in OneDealer.
  • The service supports campaigns with associated contact persons and inquiries/leads, allowing for comprehensive campaign management.

Campaign Management:

  • Campaigns are stored in the Custom Field Table with the entity identifier BPCampaign and linked to the respective BP codes.
  • The campaign data is displayed on the Business Partner Card Page under the Related Tab and section "Campaigns", providing a visual overview of related campaigns.
  • Users can open the related RSP+ Lead from the campaign entry link, facilitating easy access to detailed campaign information.
  • Campaigns already send to DSW can be updated by using in the request their already existing CampaignCode.DMSCode

API URL: ~/Files/Services/ODBusinessPartnerServices.onesrv?m=CreateOrUpdateBpCampaign

Request example:
    "bpCampaign": {
        "CampaignCode": {
            "InternalCode": "",
            "DMSCode": "PROCAR-493_0008"
        "BusinessPartnerCode": {
            "InternalCode": "700607",
            "DMSCode": "DMS-700607"
        "ContactPersonCode": {
            "InternalCode": "3114",
            "DMSCode": "DMS-3114"
        "FirstRespondedDate": "2024-07-15T15:30:00Z",
        "HasOptedOutOfEmail": true,
        "HasResponded": false,
        "InquiryCode": {
            "InternalCode": null,
            "DMSCode": "Inq_0007"
        "RespondedByEmail": true,
        "RespondedByPhone": false

UI Validations: In the cases where the Campaign has been send to DSW without a DMSCode of the related Lead (InquiryCode.DMSCode), the system displays a respective message to user that is trying to open the RSP+ link.


API Validations: The API request passes from the following validations to ensure the credibility of the provided data and provide respective responses in the API Data Response.

  • Checks for missing or invalid Business Partner and Contact Person codes.
  • Ensures that the BP and contact person exist in the system before processing the request.

Business Benefit 

This enhancement streamlines the integration and management of BMW campaign information within OneDealer. By automating the creation and updating of campaigns linked to business partners, it ensures accurate and efficient tracking of campaign activities. This leads to improved visibility of campaign performance, better customer engagement, and more effective marketing strategies.



Additional Information

Resource Keys

Resource Key ID



Campaign Date


Email Opt Out


Customer Responded


Response by Email


Response by Phone


RSP+ Lead Link


Link is not Provided


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