


Feature No.

DAC-1677 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

DAC-1681 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features



2025.0.0, 3.21.0-DAC

Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

The reassignment functionality of Multi-Unit Leads and Opportunities was implemented to work similarly to  the retail sales module.

The new functionality was implemented in the following lists

  • Multi-Unit Sale Leads Reassignment
  • Multi-Unit Opportunities Reassignment
  • Multi-Unit Sale Leads
  • Multi-Unit Sale Opportunities

When the “LeadTeamFiltering” Module is enabled the lists will fetch only the Multi-Unit lead that belongs to the:

  1. The Branch teammates
  2. Or the Company teammates if the user has been assigned BC11145.

Multi-Unit Process Pages

In the multi-unit process page, a new activities tab was implemented. If the multi-unit lead/opportunity does not belong to the logged-in user.

The User have the following view :

In the case that the user has been assigned the BC12307 business case it will be able to also have the “Assign to Self” button and reassign the Multi-Unit Lead/Opportunity.

If the lead is not assigned to the team member accessing the Lead/Opportunity ,activity tab is blocked from executing Workflow steps

The user will also have all the Multi-Unit Lead/Opportunity reassignments available in the sidebar in the Agenda view.

Reassignment Lists

The Users list on the right of reassignment pages will fetch:

  • The Branch teammates

1.Multi-unit Leads Reassignment: ~/WholesalesOpportunity/WHLeadReassignment

2.Multi-unit Opportunities Reassignment: ~/WholesalesOpportunity/WHOppReassignment

  • Or the Branch teammates from all the Company if the user has the BC11145

1.Multi-unit Leads Reassignment page: ~WholesalesOpportunity/WHLeadReassignment

2.Multi-unit Opportunities reassignment page: ~/WholesalesOpportunity/WHOppReassignment

Reassignment procedure

The user picks an item from the checkbox in the left side of the Lead/Opportunity and then a sales person from the "Users from reassign" on the right side of the page

When the user clicks a name from the list a pop up appears where he can write a message and click reassign button.

After pressing reassign a new pop-up window appears and the user clicks yes in order to proceed with the reassignment

The User that a Multi-Unit Lead/Opportunity is reassigned to him will also receive a notification, this can be seen in the bell icon. The new Lead/Opportunity appears on the top of the grid list.

When the user clicks the link in the notification is redirected to the assigned Lead/Opportunity

Please refer to the general Dacia process documentation: B.5.4 DACIA

Business Benefit 

The reassignment functionality can now be used in Multi-Unit Leads and Opportunities


Business Cases

BC IDBC Description
12307Assign to Self Opp/Lead Functionality
11145Enable Cross Branch Function Related To Teams
1532Reassignment Multi Unit Lead
1533Reassignment Multi Unit Opportunity

Additional Information

Th following Entity dimensions should be changed to C (Company) if the "Cross Branch Function Related To Teams" should be enabled via the respective BC.


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