JCs: IDMS_JC all JobCards that are Open or Won and have CreateDateTime in between now and start of the year before today (01/01/2021).

  • JCsCurrent: from the JCs above we keep the entries with CreateDate in the selected time frame (YTD, QTD, MTD).
  • JCsPrevious: from the JCs above we keep the entries with CreateDate in the time frame (PYTD, PQTD, PMTD).
  • JCsConvertedCurrent: from JCsCurrent we keep the ones that have been converted from appointments.
  • JCsConvertedPrevious: from JCsPrevious we keep the ones that have been converted from appointments.


  • CurrentRate: If JCsConvertedCurrent count > 0 and JCsCurrent count > 0 then JCsConvertedCurrent count / JCsCurrent count.
  • PreviousRate: If JCsConvertedPrevious count > 0 and JCsPrevious count > 0 then JCsConvertedPrevious count / JCsPrevious
  • PercentageChange: If the PreviousRate is > 0 then (CurrentRate – PreviousRate) / PreviousRate.
  • No labels


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