


Feature No.

RWZC-123 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

RWZC-136 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

The feature introduces a new External Function, that can be used in all the Retail Sales Workflows at the transition of the Offer creation, that are related with VOIs from the Inventory.

When a User creates an Offer in such a Lead/Opportunity,

  • notifications should be send to each user (including the user that triggered this), for each other Lead they have matching, the VOI as the Lead that triggered this.
  • the notifications should be with the following format: "<SP Name triggered it> Created an offer for the following vehicle "<Vehicle Code>"."

    Example: "Korina Charokopou Created an offer for the following vehicle "1000962"."


Business Benefit

Users can be notified each time a new Lead with the same VOI is creating an Offer for a BP.



External Functions

  • Notify All Sales Persons That Have Lead With Same Vehicle About New Offer: Send a bell notification to each user (including the user that triggered this), for each other Lead they have, matching the VOI as the Lead that triggered this.

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  RWZC-123 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  RWZC-136 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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