


Feature No.

BB-255 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-4488 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the re-design of the Financing Templates and Financing Calculation only

A set of new fields has been developed and enhanced both the Financing Templates form and the Financing calculation form in the Offer.

The fields included in the Vehicle Financing Template form are:

Field Name

Field Type


Descriptionfree text
Financing Companyfree textThis field replaced the previous Bank field. The bank names of pre-existing financing template values are migrated to this field.
Annual Percentage Rate (%)Decimal
DurationIntegerThis field replaced the previous "Runtime in Months" field and represents the No. of Installments. 
Down Payment (%)DecimalThis field replaced the previous "Deposit (%)" field
Residual Rate (%)Decimal
Typedrop-downPossible values (hard coded): New vehicles / Used vehicles
Installment Perioddrop-downPossible values (hard coded): 1 Month, 1 Year, 2 Years, 6 Months
Financing Typedrop-downOption Field
EntityName: Document / Field: FinancingType
Quota Typedrop-downOption Field
EntityName: Finance / Field: QuotaType
Max MileageDecimal
Service AmountDecimal
Bank FeeDecimalNew field holding the amount of the Bank fee (is involved in the financing calculations)
Is StandardBoolean

The fields included in the Financing calculation form are:

Filters Section

Field Name

Field Data



This filter is based on the values of the calculation of the field "Down Payment".

DurationIntegerThis filter is based on the values of the field "Duration (Months)".
Monthly CostDecimalThis filter is based on the values of the calculation for the "PMT (Monthly Cost)"

When the user changes one of the above 3 fields (Payment, Duration or Monthly Cost), the ordering of the templates is calculated, as follow:

  • First, the system finds any exact matches based on the filter values and will be presented at the top of the list
  • Then, the system finds fluctuations of the given filtered values:
    • For Payment, +-20%
    • For Duration, +-12 (months)
    • For Monthly Payment, +-30%
      • For example, if the user enters for Monthly Payment the value 1000, then, based on the +-30% range, the template’s Monthly Payment will be between 700 (minimum fluctuation) and 1300 (maximum fluctuation)
    • These results are presented right after the exact matches
  • Any templates that do not match the above conditions, are presented last

(warning) If more that one template is part of a filtering result, then they are ordered based on the template description.


Field Name

Field Type

Field status


Gross Total PriceDecimaleditable

Equal with "Gross Basic Price" if opened from vehicle Inventory
with total "Offer Price" if opened from Offer page

Trade In

Decimalread-onlyEqual with 0.00 amount if opened from vehicle Inventory
with trade-In "Final Price with Benefit" if opened from Offer

Start Date

DateeditableStart Date input from the User
End DateDate - read-onlyread-onlyEqual with: Start Date + Duration
Down PaymentDecimaleditableEqual with: Gross Total Price * Down Payment (%) from the selected template
Down Payment (%)DecimaleditableEqual with: Down Payment (%) from the selected template

Residual Amount

DecimaleditableEqual with: Gross Total Price * Residual Rate (%) from the selected template
Residual Rate (%)DecimaleditableEqual with: Residual Rate (%) from the selected template
Duration (months)IntegereditableEqual with the field "Duration" from the selected template
Number of PaymentsDecimalread-onlyEqual with the value of the "Duration (month)"field
Annual Rate (%)DecimaleditableEqual with the field "Annual Rate (%)" from the selected template
PaymentDecimalread-onlyEqual with: Monthly Cost + (Service Amount / Duration (months)) + Bank Fee
TotalDecimalread-onlyEqual with: (Payment * Duration) + Down Payment + Residual Amount

Amount Of Refunding

Decimalread-onlyEqual with: Gross Total Price - Down Payment - Residual Amount
Financing Typestringdrop-down editableEqual with the field "Financing Type" from the selected template
Quota Typestringdrop-down editableEqual with the field "Quota Type" from the selected template

Max Mileage

DecimaleditableEqual with the field "Max Mileage" from the selected template

Service Amount

DecimaleditableEqual with the field "Service Amount" from the selected template

Bank Fee

DecimaleditableEqual with the field "Bank Fee" from the selected template
Monthly CostDecimalread-only

Equal with the PMT excel function calculation. 

=PMT((Annual Rate (%)/12);Duration (months);-Amount Of Refunding)

Interest Rate per Month (%)Decimalread-only

Equal with the RATE excel function calculation. 

=RATE(Duration (months);(Monthly Cost+Bank Fee);(-Amount Of Refunding+Service Amount))

Effective Interest Rate (%)Decimalread-only

Equal with the POWER excel function calculation. 

=POWER((1+Interest Rate per Month (%));12)-1

Effective Credit CostDecimalread-onlyEqual with: Payment * Duration (months) - Amount Of Refunding

After selecting a Financing Template (mandatory) the system will automatically calculate all the above fields based on the values of the selected template and fill all the relevant fields of the form. 

The users are able to change the values of any of the "editable" fields and this way trigger a new calculation each time. If a manual calculation is triggered this way, the system deselects automatically the previously selected template and the calculations are not based on this template any more, neither the Bank description.

After selecting "Next" the "Add Finance" form is displayed. Here in this form:

  1. all the calculations previously made are included and displayed in the relevant fields
  2. all the available fields are editable
  3. no calculations are performed in the form

So, in the final form users are able to make further changes in the values that are not triggering any calculation and thus do not affect values in the other fields. This form can be mainly used from customers that do not wish to use the Financing Templates and thus the automated calculation.

The "Add Finance"  form has 3 possible actions:

  1. Save: After the finalization of the financing, it can be added in the Offer by selecting the Save button
  2. Back: Return back to the "Vehicle Financing Template" form, all previously made calculations are removed and the form is initialized empty.
  3. Cancel: Completely cancel the process of adding a Financing in the Offer.

Feature Relation

The current feature is a redesign of 2.65.3 - Finance Calculation: Vehicle and Offer/Order and in this documentation the full process is included.

All related functionalities are still relevant.

Vehicle Print-Out

The Financing Vehicle Print-out calculation, from within the Vehicle Inventory, was not part of this redesign. So, all values are calculated based on the development described in the above article.  

Business Benefit

Provide enhanced calculations on preparing financings in the Offer.


Administration and Process pages:

  • Vehicle Financing templates ~/Inventory/VehicleFinancingTemplatesGridList

Setup Keys:

Setup Key

Default values


EnableFinancingListTrueTrue/False - Enable the "Finance" & "Payment" section within the Offer page


Workflow Document Template → Header Financing (section)

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  BB-255 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  QA-4488 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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