


Feature No.

ODP-8204 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-8385 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features 3.14.2 - Offer & Order Behavior when there is an updated price list

Product (Demonstration)



Conf. for Technical Upgrade


General Description of the Feature

This feature has been implemented for offer and order price update of vehicles in order to specifically target the  the interest types of the Vend Configurator and Stock Locator and the inventory vehicles, and it is applicable only to retail sales.

  • Vend Configurator
  • Stock Locator Interest
  • Inventory Interest

Offer TRV

When a user attempts to create a new offer, the following processes will occur:

  1. In order for the price update flow to start will need the following prerequisites
    1. The “CheckForOfferPricesValidity“ setup key is true.
    2. The Vehicle of Interest (VOI) is of the interest type 'Vend Configurator', 'Stock Locator' or ‘Inventory‘.
  2. If the above conditions are met:
    1. The system will verify if the interest contains the latest price.
      1. In case of VendConfigurator and StockLocator:
        1. If the vehicle's price is valid
        2. If the option prices are valid
      2. In the case of Inventory
        1. If the vehicle price is not changes from the vehicle’s card page

And the process will continue as before.

  1. If the vehicle or any option(depending on the interest) has an outdated price, the following changes will occur:
    • The system will update the interest prices.
      • Will change the “U_IDMS_InqIntAmount“ on inquiry buffer
      • Will change the serialized interest with the new price (only on Vend Configurator and Stock Locator interest); in the case of inventory vehicles, the interest is already updated when the user changes the vehicle price.
      • Will change the price of the vehicle line in IDMS_VEH_OF_INT table
    • The sidebar will refresh to display the new prices.
    • The new offer will include the vehicle's updated price and options updated prices (only on Vend Configurator and Stock Locator interest).
    • A new column, “ Needs Offer Prices Update“ will be added to the selection of previous offers.

    • If a previous offer is selected and has outdated prices, it will be marked with a banner. The “Select“ and “ Print“ buttons will be removed, and a new button, “Copy Offer with Updated Prices“ will be added. Clicking this button will copy the offer structure and open the offer sheet with the updated prices.

Accept Offer (Order Creation) TRV

At offer accept TRV, the system will do the following process:

  1. The system always will check:
    1. Whether “CheckForOfferPricesValidity“ setup key is true.
    2. If the Vehicle of Interest (VOI) is of the interest type 'Vend Configurator' or 'Stock Locator' or ‘Inventory‘.
  2. If the above conditions are met:
    1. The system will check if the price of the vehicle and the options prices (depending on the interest) associated with the offer has been updated since the offer's creation or last update. If no updated prices exist, the system flow is the same as before.
    2. A new column, “ Needs Offer Prices Update“ will be added to the selection of previous offers.

If the offer's vehicle outdated prices, the “Select“ and “ Print“ buttons will be removed, and a button “Update Offer Prices“ will added

When the user clicks the button "update offer prices" a new page opens. It provides an overview of the offer and allows users to update the offer prices. 

In every order step that offer prices update should be performed  the user should add the Update Document Prices external function before the Order creation external function.

When a Lead created with Vend Configurator is in state order and the prices have changed (usually through model tree import) :

In the Leads Grid List the "Needs Order Prices Update" column is changed to "Yes"

In the Lead page a banner appears informing the user that "Pricing update is needed in the active Order"

The sign order transition cannot be chosen

The next valid transition is "Update Order Prices"

In the following page the offer appears with the button update order prices

The "Apply" button is grey and if the user clicks it a warning pop-up appears

When the user clicks the "Update Order prices" button

The prices are updated in the in the side bar  and in the offer a new green banner appears "Offer prices updated" ,the prices are updated and the "save; button is now clickable.

When the user clicks "apply"

The banner disappears "Pricing update is needed in the active Order" disappears and the user can now "sign order"

When a Lead is in state "Offer follow up" and prices have changed:

"Needs Order price update" column is No

When the user chooses Order transition a new page appears with a new checkbox "Needs Offer Prices Update" ticked

When the user clicks the "view" link an offer preview pop-up opens

A banner "The prices of the Offer are outdated" and a button "Update Offer Prices" appear. 

When the user clicks the button "Update Offer Prices" the offer page appears

There is a button "Update Offer Prices" and the "apply" button is not clickable. When the user clicks the "update offer prices button" the "apply" button is becomes clickable and a small not clickable button "Offer prices updated" appears.

When the user clicks the "apply" button the prices in the sidebar are updated

Business Benefit 


Business Cases

Business Case



Enables/Disables filters and columns functionality in the Leads/Opportunities pages

Administration and Process pages

Setup Keys

Setup Key



Enable/disable if the system will check for offer prices validity


List of Make codes that the system will check for order prices validity


List of email addresses to which the system will send notifications regarding synchronization errors in ITM1 from the 'update order prices' job.

Option Fields



OrderNeedsPriceUpdateThis validation will prevent the user from proceeding with the step if the active order requires a price update. The validation will show the “The Order Needs Prices Update” message

This validation will prevent the user from proceeding with the step if the active order does not require a price update. The validation will show the “The Order Does Not Need Prices Update” message.

Transition Required Views

External Functions


Additional Information

Database Changes

1.Field “U_IDMS_NeedsOrdrPrcUpd” added to the:

  • @IDMS_LEAD table.

2.New Tables


Contains the updated prices effective dates.


String 50


String 100


String 50

Holds Code from OITM when the line refers to Item (model price).

Holds Code from XIS_DESGINCODES when the line is referring to Options.



When holds Item's effective date, this represents the price list that the price refers to.






Effective date from


String 50

Value is “Item” when it holds effective dates for the Model.

Value is “Option” when it holds effective dates for Options.


Contains errors that ”IDMS_UPDATEITEMPRICES_EFD” will encounter.


String 50


String 100


String 100






String 100


String 100


String 100


It is responsible for updating the ITM1 table with the new prices added to the table @IDMS_ITEMPRICE_EFM.

Changed Tables

In IDMS_DOCUMENT, a new field was added: “U_IDMS_PriceUpdateDate” (DateTime), representing when the document was updated from the price update flow.

New jobs

Mark Leads Needing Price Updates

A new job is created to update @IDMS_LEAD.“U_IDMS_NeedsOrdrPrcUpd” with 1 if the following rules are valid:

  1. The lead's make code is on the “ CheckForOrderPricesValidityEligibleMakeCodes“ setup key.
  2. The Interest Type Function of the VOI should be “VendConfigurator“ or “StockLocator“ or “Inventory“.
  3. The Lead has an Active Document Code (indicating that it is past the order step) and does not have a Vehicle Delivery Date (implying that the lead is before the vehicle delivery step).
  4. The creation or update date of the order falls within a valid period
    1. Take the model code of the vehicle line of the order
    2. Check if has entry on table “@IDMS_ITEMPRICE_EFD“
    3. Compare the creation or update date of the order with the effective from date in the '@IDMS_ITEMPRICE_EFD' table."

The URL to call the job is ~/SalesOpportunity/MarkLeadsNeedingPriceUpdates.

Update Item Prices

A new job is created to call a store procedure that updates item prices is created. The job does the following:

  1. Calls IDMS_UPDATEITEMPRICES_EFD SP with inputting the date that the service user logs in.
  2. Checks if there are any logs with that effective date.
    1. If they are, each of them are logged in our mongologs and a check is made to setup key “AddressesToSendItemPriceUpdateSPFailureEmail“. If there are any addresses, an email is sent to each of them using the ad-hoc email template ( setup key EmailAdHocNotificationTempl) with Subject "Update Item Prices SP failed!" and content: "Errors occurred during the Item Price update of the Effective Date: {effectiveDate} for the environment: {SiteRootURL}".

The URL to call the job is ~/ SalesOpportunity/UpdateItemPrices.


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