


Feature No.

ODP-6460 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

ODP-8120 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features-

General Description of the Feature

The UI/UX of the error handling messages in DSW/DASW has been redesigned. There are two type of error messages and each one of them can be either "handled" or "unhandled". So, the types are:

  • Synchronous request with Handled Exception
  • Synchronous request with Unhandled Exception
  • Asynchronous request with Handled Exception
  • Asynchronous request with Unhandled Exception

In the user login page of each user, a new field is added "UI error level" and based on its value, it is decided if the user will be able to see the full details of an error message (when there are some) or if no details will be displayed.

  • No details: When selected, it presents the error message “Something went wrong with the server.” with no further information provided to the user when there is an unhandled error and proper UI friendly error message when there is a handled error.
  • Full details: When selected, the error message is presented as is (full information) both for handled and for unhandled errors.

Errors for Synchronous requests - examples:

Unhandled exception - No details & Full Details


Handled exception - No details & Full Details

Errors for Asynchronous requests - examples:

Unhandled exception - No details

Unhandled exception - Full details

Handled exception - No details & Full Details

Business Benefit

The scope of this feature was to redesign the messages handling of DSW/DASW and improve the UI/UX of this process making any messages friendlier and more informative to the users.


User Login:

  • UI error level:
    • No details: When selected, it presents the error message “Something went wrong with the server.” with no further information provided.
    • Full details: When selected, the error message is presented as is (full information).

Additional Information



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