


Feature No.

AHGROUP-52 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-4956 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Related Features3.7.1 - Organization: SAP Business Partner information alignment (Sales Organization, Distribution Channel, Division)

General Description of the Feature

To incorporate the need in AutoHellas project, of corelating the Business Partner with a Division, without fully enabling the Organization layer for SAP integrations, the following functionality has been developed in the "Autohellas" tenant.

During the call to ODIL of "Create or Update the Business Partner", an extra logic for AutoHellas tenant has been implemented where the Division code for sales area data, is send to the DMS, based on the Make code of either the VOI or the Job Card. The division code is controlled and sent to ODIL, via the two new External Functions.

Two new external functions have been developed, one for Retails Sales and one for DASW. 

In order for the intermediate layer to be able to map the DSW/DASW make codes to the DMS Division Codes the mapping through our normal mapping process, must be defined. Due to the fact that the Autohellas project does not utilize the organization structure, there are no Division data to be mapped in DSW/DASW. So, in this case the Manual Mapping functionality, needs to be utilized, where we should map DSW/DASW internal Make Code [From] with the DMS Division/Make Code [To].

DSW: Change Business Partner Card Type to Customer - AH_RetailConvertBPToCustomer

  • Get the Business Partner Card Code and Make Code from the VOI
  • Change the Business Partner Card Type to Customer (call to ODIL as well)

DASW: Change Business Partner Card Type to Customer - AH_DASWConvertBPToCustomer

  • Get the Business Partner Card Code and Make Code from the Job Card
  • Change the Business Partner Card Type to Customer (call to ODIL as well)

Example from the information included in the Json:

Business Benefit

The Make/Division is propagated for any (Customer) creation or update to the relevant DMS.



External Functions

  • DSW: AH_RetailConvertBPToCustomer
  • DASW: AH_DASWConvertBPToCustomer


  • Relation: OneDealer to Integration Layer
  • Object Type: Division → manual mapping

Additional Information



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