


Feature No.

BB-558 - Getting issue details... STATUS   BB-255 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case No.

QA-4813 - Getting issue details... STATUS

General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with an enhancement on the Vehicle Financing templates and the Financing Calculation block in the Offer.

Vehicle Financing Templates

The Vehicle Financing Templates have been enhanced with one new field: Payment Due At (PMT Type)

This fields is available in the Create/Edit form, is a drop down field and can take two possible values: 

  • Start of Period: 1
  • End of Period: 0

The field value is also available in the relevant new column, in the grid list of Vehicle Financing Templates.

If the field is not specified - then nothing should be sent to the formula (null) and this is considered as 0 - End of Period

This field specifies when the payments are due:

  • 0 or omitted - payments are due at the end of each period
  • 1 - payments are due at the beginning of each period

Offer Financing Calculation

In the financing calculation of the offer, the following fields and their calculation has be altered:

  • Monthly Cost= PMT ((Annual Rate/12), Duration, -Amount of Refunding, Residual Amount, Type)
  • Amount Of Refunding= Gross Total Price - Down Payment
  • Interest Rate per Month (%)= RATE (Duration, (Monthly Cost + Bank Fee), (-Amount of Refunding + Service Amount), Residual Amount, Type)
  • Effective Credit Cost= Payment * Duration - Amount of Refunding + Residual Amount

The rest of the fields included in the form, have retained the same algorithm calculations. 

Feature Relation

The current feature is an enhancement on the formula calculations developed on the 3.6.6 - Offer Preview - Financing block enhancements

All related functionalities are still relevant.

Business Benefit

Be able to support newer calculations related to the financing preparation that take into account more parameters.


No new configuration - please refer to the mandatory configuration of the original feature.

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  BB-558 - Getting issue details... STATUS   BB-255 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  QA-4813 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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