General Description of the Feature

This feature/enhancement deals with the possibility of changing the billing indicator of each CC in the job card and be able to split the price amount of each line between different payees and billing indicators. The line splitting will be applicable only on the line level and not on the CC Level.

When a CC is inserted to the job card the Billing Indicator & Payee should be set automatically and by default to “customer” for the Billing Indicator and the Business Partner (Payee) should be equal to the JC selected Business Partner.

The Service Advisor should be able, by pressing details of the selected CC, to open the CC detail page and change the billing indicator. By doing so, the Billing Indicator is changed automatically to all the components included.

If a component already has split lines, then this specific component will not be affected from the billing indicator change on the CC level.

Billing Indicator/Split Lines per Component Type


The Labor type components, because of the labor price calculations, required a special treatment on how the split lines will work. This means that every time a user is changing the main billing indicator of the labor line or the Business Partner Payee the system will run again the calculations and determine the new price of the labor, if there is one.

When the Billing Indicator or the Business Partner Payee is changed on a labor component, the new price will be calculated based one the following:

  1. The Labor type group assigned on the selected BP
  2. The Labor price calculations that exist for the Make, labor type, etc. in the "Labor Price Calculations" list
  3. The matrix selection configured in the new "Billing Indicator" setup page.

The user will be warned, on Save that a new calculation will take place.

"A new recalculation of the Labor price is needed because the billing indicator changed. Do you want to proceed and change the labor price through the price calculation?"

  • On No, the selection is saved and the User is returned back into the Details form.
    • The changes are reversed to their initial state
  • On Yes, the system is using the billing indicator matrix setup and the labor price calculation in order to recalculate the price based on the new selected billing indicator.
    • If the system finds one match, the form is saved and the user is back into the CC tab
    • If the system finds multiple matches, a warning message appears in orange banner "Multiple Prices Matched" and the user is prompt into the labor price calculation list where he/she can select between the matched prices.
      • On Selection, the calculation is saved and the user is back into the Details form where he/she can work on the split lines if needed.

The same re-calculation will/should take place when the Business Partner Payee is changed on the split line when the Billing indicator is customer. The system should inform the user that a new calculation should be made based on the new BP labor price group. Message:

"A new recalculation of the Labor price is needed because the first business partner of the split lines changed. Do you want to proceed and change the labor price through the price calculation?"

On Yes, the system is recalculating the price and reopens the form including the split line with the newly selected BP.

In the cases where, the user changes the billing indicator of a labor component but the system can not find any matching calculation (based on the labor type group of the BP, the split line setup matrix and the labor price calculations) the system will warn the user, that no price could be matched for this selection.


For this type of components there is no price calculation involved. The user can add the price of the component on the relevant list or edit it from within the details pop on edit in the CC tab and the system will keep this price with any selected billing indicator.

Split Lines

Within the detail pop-up form of any component, a new control has been added where the users can edit, prepare and calculate the split lines when this is needed. From here the users can configure if a component will be paid as whole from the selected billing indicator or if the calculated price should split to more lines.

  • The "Hide" button can hide or display the whole split lines table.
  • The Split lines table includes by default one line with the whole price, the portion % = 100 and the billing indicator to match the selected one.
  • The columns "Billing Indicator", "BP" and "Portion" are editable and the user can change them based on the needs. The column "BP" can be edited only when the Billing Indicator = Customer
  • The "Add Row" button will add one new line within the table, where the user will have to edit the above mentioned choices.
  • At the last column of each line there is a delete icon, which the user can use to delete a not needed split line. Each component should have at least one line in the split line table and if the user tries to delete it, the system will reload it automatically.

After preparing the split lines on a component and on Save of the form there are few validations that take place:

  1. The system is checking that the combined portion amount is not below 100
  2. The system is checking that the combined portion amount is not above 100
  3. The system is checking that the billing indicator of the component, is included in at least one line inside the the split line table.

Split lines between more that one BP or more than one Billing Indicators on Labor

In the cases where the Service Advisor has created split lines between more that one BPs or more than one Billing Indicators, the price of the component will be split according to the portion %, the same way it would with any Billing Indicator. However, in the labor components the price of the labor is calculated based on various variables. 

So, in the case where the user has added multiple split lines on a labor component the price of the labor and the portioning between the split lines will be based on the price calculation:

  • of the first line in the table order in case we are talking about multiple BP split lines
  • of the billing indicator in the header of the labor, in case we are talking about one line of the Customer and more lines with other types of billing indicators.

Example: There is one labor component, which should be split between two Business Partners with port 50-50. The two BPs have different Labor type group which of course leads to different price calculations for this selected labor. The calculation of the labor that will be selected, the final price of the labor in the CC tab and the portioning of the price will be based on whom of the two BPs is placed on the first line of the split line table.


All the DASW related parameters for the printing can be found here: DASW Document Template

Regarding the Split Lines the following parameters have been created:

















This feature is part of the Digital After Sales Workplace (DASW) module of OneDealer. It is mandatory that the DASW module is enabled and fully configured for this feature to work properly.

Find all the DASW related documentation here: B.1.3 After Sales WorkPlace

Business Benefit

This enhancement of the DASW module provides a solution to a really common practice in the automotive industry and especially in the aftersales area. Depending on the nature of the job/CC the Service Advisor will be able to change the billing indicator of particular job/CC as well as to split the lines of a particular Line/Component on a percentage base. The Service advisor will be able to explain to the customer what jobs has been done in his/her vehicle for a particular Job Card as well as the amount he/she has to pay.


Business Cases:

New BC that provides access/permission to the new configuration page for the billing indicator matrix.

  • BC ID: 12195

New Administration and Process pages:

Bill Indicator matrix configuration page:  ~/JobCard/BillingIndicatorSetup

Option Fields:

Option Field values for the Billing Indicator Type:

  • Entity: BillingIndicator
  • Entity Field: BillingIndicatorType

Initial Values: 

CodeNameEntity NameFieldOption DescriptionOption CodeShort IndexResource Key
8D9B3316AD510328D9B3316AD51032BillingIndicatorBillingIndicatorTypeFactory Warranty00OD0010012
8D9B331EC7595A58D9B331EC7595A5BillingIndicatorBillingIndicatorTypeExtended Warranty11OD0009814
8D9B332836F8B658D9B332836F8B65BillingIndicatorBillingIndicatorTypeFair Deal22OD0010013
8D9B332C10453AA8D9B332C10453AABillingIndicatorBillingIndicatorTypeRepeat Repair33OD0010014
8D9B3336BFD10768D9B3336BFD1076BillingIndicatorBillingIndicatorTypeCustomer Payee66OD0010016

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  ODP-2102 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  QA-2018 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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