General Description of the Feature

This feature deals with the integration between the Marketplace and DSW. The integration API used for this, is called "CreatInquiryInterestByCase", which is the generic Inquiry creation service OneDealer provides. However, for the purposes of this Marketplace integration a new Case Type has been developed.

For more details regarding the API, please check here: Inquiry_Generation_Service_v1.11.pdf

Interest Type: Stock Vehicle

There are two forms within the marketplace that are designed to use the "CreatInquiryInterestByCase" API with case type=6. This means that the inquiry, which will be created in DSW should include both a contact (potential customer) and a vehicle. The vehicle is an existing vehicle in the DSW Inventory and the marketplace knows about it because of the marketplace integration 2.55-1. Integration with - Marketplace Integration

An inquiry created this way, starts with status "Interest Qualified" instead of "Generated", which means that the vehicle is known and includes a tab called "Inquiry Interest", where information of the related vehicle can be found:

In addition, it includes the "Contact" tab where the customer information can be found. There the user should follow the regular contact qualification process and then be able to create a Sales lead for this inquiry. After the contact is qualified, a Business Partner (Private or Company) is created and the Status of the Inquiry changes to "Qualified".

The Interest Type for this kind of inquiries is called in a generic way "Stock Vehicle" and in practice it is the actual vehicle status of the respective vehicle (New Vehicle, Used Vehicle, etc.). For the purpose of this project the Business is mainly working with used vehicles.

The inquiry that will be created this way, will be related with and assigned to the Branch where the vehicle is assigned as well. Thus a different DSW user has been configured in Dealer Unit to receive these inquiries per Branch.

Interest Type: Unknown

In order to fully integrate the website with OneDealer, all of the contact forms and landing pages within the website are integrated to send inquiries within DSW. Most of these pages are not directly related with an existing vehicle, thus they are considered "Unknown". This means that both the contact and the interest are not fully defined.

These inquiries will be created in DSW with Interest Type "Unknown" and the users will have to Qualify the contact but also define the actual interest to create a sales lead, if needed. Additionally, these inquiries do not include information about the branch, so they are configured to be assigned to a specific User.

Related functionalities

This integration is also related with the functionality:  2.55-1. Integration with - Marketplace Integration

which describes how a user can prepare and create a publication in the Automarin marketplace from within DSW.

Business Benefit

The users of the Automarin company can receive and handle all the request coming from the website from within DSW and the inquiry page. This is organizing their work and making easier to monitor every single request.


Dealer Unit:

In the Dealer Unit page an entry should be created for each different Interest Type, Company, Branch, Location and User that will be the assignee of the created inquiries from external systems. If only one user will receive those per Company then only one entry per company is required and the fields Branch and Location can be left empty.

For the integration with the "I'm interested" landing page of the web site, the "Interest Type = StockVehicle" and the inquiries will be send to DSW per Branch.

Inquiry Key Relation:

In the Inquiry Key Relation page an entry should be created for each different landing page Automarin has and will send inquiries to DSW. If the same couple of interest type, channel and source will be needed for all of them, then only one entry can be created and only one Inbound Key is needed. For the integration with the "I'm interested" landing page of the web site, this is the inbound key that is used: 8D7943124CC06AB

Below find the inbound keys used for the rest of the forms in the site for the integration:

CodeNameDescriptionInquiry SourceInquiry ChannelInquiry Inbound KeyAuto Qualification Flag 
Key Relation DescriptionInquiry SourceInquiry ChannelInbound Key
Automarin Marketplace - InterestWeb SiteAutomarin.gr8D7943124CC06AB
Automarin - PhoneCallWeb SitePhoneA8C72E46D37B43F6AB49119B46747288
Automarin - Trade-InWeb SiteTrade In146A4A6D28B1470CA20E13DB583E8041
Automarin - Call me backWeb SiteCall me backC8378D3F5B3C4CB28690D62C64215AE1
Automarin - InsuranceWeb SiteInsurance09BBEA85B2214A6BBB6607322F3DF42D
Automarin - NewsletterWeb SiteNewsletterBC4E05D6016743D2B5E31086EB63F5F2
Automarin - Contact FormWeb SiteContact Form00DD36B303C342C69C687E4A469B2F8F
Automarin - ServiceWeb SiteService3A8F4A3F96124D1D941CB25D53EE346A
Automarin - SoldFormWeb SiteAutomarin.gr3BAE4CC6BA6411ECB2C8D29DEDDE493C

* strikethrough: removed from scope

Custom Fields:

Custom field should be created for the Inquiry creation reason. In this custom fields the "I'm interested in" values from the Automarin landing page form will be added. Possible values:

  • Πληροφορίες οχήματος
  • Test Drive
  • Online Κράτηση
  • Χρηματοδότηση

The new custom field that should be created should have:

  • From = "Reason"
  • To = any of the string available fields (in Automarin UAT we used:  U_IDMS_StrProperty1)

Related information

For more information of how to setup custom fields, please check the following article: Setup - Custom Fields Mapping - Inquiry API

Additional Information

  • Feature No.:  ODP-2420 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Test Case No.:  AM-122 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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