Transition View



Presents any previously created offers, otherwise an error message appears with a cancel button

  • Presents a list with the created offers
    • Title
      • “Offer“ concatenated with @IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_CreateDate and @IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_CreateTime concatenated with @IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_Title
    • Document Status
      • @IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_Status
    • Actions
      • On click, opens the preview order popup from “Step 2“
  • Using the following setup page, the user can configure which offer documents will be presented based on their document statuses.
    • ~/SetupEntities/WholesaleCreateOrderSelectedDocumentStatuses
    • If no setup is used, only the offers with Document status different than “Canceled” or “Closed” will be retrieved
  • The cancel buttons closes the Tranisiton Required View and shows the “Activity“ tab again without any transition selected
  • Selecting an offer opens the preview popup where you can
    1. See the printed version
    2. Select it to become an order

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

On click at the "Select" button of the preview order popup, 2 things are performed:

  • Validation of automatic document lines and sales incentives (same process as the retail lead)
  • After passing validation, another popup opens with the following fields:
    • A "master" shipping address field that contains the shipping addresses of the Business Partner
    • A "master" estimated delivery date field that contains either the value from the @IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_EstimatedDeliveryDate field or the current date
    • 3 "columns":
      • The first presents the vehicles of the selected order
      • The second presents a dropdown field that contains the shipping addresses of the Business Partner
      • The third presents a date picker that contains an estimated delivery date

If the user chooses a shipping address at the "master" shipping address field or a date at the “master” estimated delivery date field, the value will automatically cascade to the all fields at the respective columns.

This way the user can easily set the same address and estimated delivery date to all vehicles without having to do it manually for each one. However, the user has the ability to choose another address and estimated delivery date for specific vehicles, if desired.


External Function

  • Creates a document of type WholesaleOrder with Status Open based on the offer document that user selected on the UI
  • Connects this document with its predecessor via the U_IDMS_ParentDocEntry field of the @IDMS_DOCUMENT table
  • Updates all the offers that match the following criteria and set their status to closed (excluding the one that the user selected at the UI)
    • Status != Closed or Canceled
    • Code != selected document code from the UI
  • Update the field U_IDMS_Amount to be the total amount of the created order and the fields U_IDMS_ActiveDocumentCode, U_IDMS_OrderCreationDateTime to be the IDMS_DOCUMENT.DocEntry of the Wholesale Lead Entity of the created order and UtcNow, respectively
  • Updates the U_IDMS_DeliveryAddressCode and U_IDMS_EstimatedDeliveryDate in the corresponding line of each vehicle (@IDMS_WHLEADVEH table)
  • Update the field U_IDMS_DocumentItemLineId for each line of type "Vehicle" of the Wholesale Lead Vehicle entity
  • Prints the document using the selected print provider (see Setup Print Providers)
  • The Transition Required View above
  • Existence of Wholesale Offer Document. For example, this could have been created by the Transition Required View "ODP_WholesaleOfferD" and External Function "ODP_WholesaleOfferD", as explained here
DSW Printing SetupA new print business type was added named "Wholesale Order Document"
  • No labels


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