Required Setup

Mail Server Side

First, you must create the template in an RTF format following the directions here Document Templates

You can find all the available properties in the last section of this document alongside with examples that can be copy-pasted into your new template.

Then login to the appropriate OD Mail Notifications website and Select “Document Templates”

Select “New Template”, upload your template and the appropriate info, and click “Create”

One Dealer Side

Setup Table

For each of the 3 template types there is a Setup key that must be configured.


Template Setup Key

Print Vehicle Info


Print Vehicle Price Info


Print using Finance Calculator



Their value should be the document template’s name as it is in the OD Notification Server

This field’s value will also be the file’s name when the file iU_IDMS_Prices downloaded to user’s device.

Setup keys

  • VehExposePriceFormat (defaults to "F2" - 2 decimals), ("N0" - zero decimals) 
  • VehExposeCultureInfo
  • VehExposeDecimalFormat (defaults to "N2") (2 decimals)
  • VehExposeProductionDateFormat (defaults to "MM/yyyy")
  • VehExposeFirstRegistrationDateFormat (defaults to "MM/yyyy")

Format (with VehExposePriceFormat) the following properties:

  • TotalPrice1
  • U_IDMS_Price
  • TotalPrice2
  • NetPrice2
  • TotalPrice3
  • NetPrice3
  • TotalPrice
  • Deposit
  • ResidualRate
  • Runtime
  • AnnualPercentage
  • AmountOfMonthlyRate
  • Total
  • AmountOfRefunding
  • MaxMileage
  • ServiceAmount
  • TradeIn
  • NumberOfPayments

Format (with VehExposeDecimalFormat) the following properties:

  • FuelConsumptionCombinedFormatted

Format (with VehExposeProductionDateFormat) the following properties:

  • ProductionDateFormatted

Format (with VehExposeFirstRegistrationDateFormat) the following properties:

  • FirstRegistrationDateFormatted

Vehicle Financing Templates

To use the Finance Calculator, you first must make at least one Financing Calculation Template from Vehicle Financing Templates page. As with everything related to this feature, user should have access to Business Case “12133”.

The menu item should be under Setup Entities, or you can use the url ~/Inventory/VehicleFinancingTemplatesGridList

Here you can see a list of Vehicle Financing Templates, edit them, or add new ones by clicking the “+” symbol on the top right.

Each field’s value is used to make the calculations as they have been given in Financing_Calculation_V2.xlsx in

You can select whether this template is shown in New or Used vehicles.

You can set here which Car Statuses are considered used: ~/SetupEntities/UsedSetupCarStatusFilters

The “Used” templates will appear on the vehicles whose statuses are checked.

The “New” templates will appear on the vehicles whose statuses are not checked.

How to use

If you have access to Business Case “12133”, you will be able to see the three print actions on the vehicle list page

as well as inside the vehicle’s edit page

The first two actions will directly download the corresponding template filled with the vehicle’s data. The third one will open the Finance Calculator popup.

The templates show up in the dropdown accordingly to the vehicle’s status as described previously.

The Templates that have their “Is Standard” property true, will appear first.

The user’s only other input apart from the template is the “Total Price” field. The rest of the fields are calculated automatically.

Clicking Print will download the third template using the vehicle’s and the calculator’s values.

Available Values

Here are the available model values, alongside their description





Make Code



Family Code


Model Code


Variant Code


Make Description


Model Description


Family Description


Variant Description


Production Year


Number of Vehicle Owners


Number of Cylinders






Top Speed






Body Style Code


Fuel Type Code




First Registration Date

{FirstRegistrationDateFormatted}First Registration Date FormattedThe format in on the setup key VehExposeFirstRegistrationDateFormat




Engine Displacement Code


Gear Number


Gear Type Code




Drive Type


Number of Seats


Number of Doors the vehicle has


Exterior Color Code


Interior Color Code


Car Status Code


Interior Type Code


Car Type Code


License Number




Fuel Consumption Combined

{FuelConsumptionCombinedFormatted}Fuel Consumption Combined FormattedThe format of decimal come by the setup key VehExposeDecimalFormat 


Fuel Consumption Urban


Fuel Consumption Extra Urban


CO2 Emissions


Emission Class Code


Emissions Sticker Code


Warranty End Date


Warranty Limitation Km


Tire Size Code


Front Tire Size


Rear Tire Size


Drive Side


Usage Type


Number of Axles


Private or Commercial


Last Maintenance Date


Last Maintenance Odometer


Has Full Service History


Next Technical Inspection Date


Tax Group Code




Park Assistance


Non-Smoker Vehicle


Selected Features Codes





Model as A Comment




Car Registration Info




Body Style Description


Car Status Description


Car Type Description


Emission Class Description


Emissions Sticker Description


Engine Displacement Description


Exterior Color Description


Fuel Type Description


Gear Type Description


Interior Color Description


Interior Type Description


Tax Group Description


Tire Size Description



{SelectedFeatures{Code, Name}}SelectedFeatures list with Code & Descriptions{Code, Name}

List of Code-Name Objects

See documentation about items in a list. eg:



Vehicle Image Url

The First of the car images URL




Total Price 1

Available only on templates 2 & 3


Total Price 2

Available only on templates 2 & 3


Total Price 3

Available only on templates 2 & 3

{TotalPrice4}Total Price 4Available only on templates 2 & 3


Net Price 2

Available only on templates 2 & 3


Net Price 3

Available only on templates 2 & 3

{NetPrice4}Net Price 4Available only on templates 2 & 3



Available only on template 3



Available only on template 3


Residual Rate

Available only on template 3



Available only on template 3


Annual Percentage

Available only on template 3


Amount Of Monthly Rate

Available only on template 3



Available only on template 3


Amount Of Refunding

Available only on template 3


List of Vehicle’s images

{ExtendedWarranty}Extended Warranty
{GreenBonus}Green Bonus
{FreeService}Free Service
{ACCleaning}A/C Cleaning
{RoadAssistance}Road Assistance
{MaxMileage}Max mileage
{ServiceAmount}Service amount
{QuotaType}Quota type codeEntity: Finance, Field: QuotaType, @IDMS_OPTIONFIELD.U_IDMS_OptionCode
{QuotaTypeName}Quota type descriptionEntity: Finance, Field: QuotaType, @IDMS_OPTIONFIELD.U_IDMS_OptionDescr
{TradeIn}Trade In amount
{StartDate}Start date
{EndDate}End date
{NumberOfPayments}Number of payments
{RegistrationFee}Registration Fee of the Vehicle@XIS_CARS.U_IDMS_RegistrationFee
{TotalRegistrationFee}Total Registration Fee of the Vehicle and each Extra Options@XIS_CARS.U_IDMS_RegistrationFee + SUM(@XIS_CARSPECIF.U_IDMS_RegistrationFee)
{ExtraOptions.RegistrationFee}Registration Fee of the Option@XIS_CARSPECIF.U_IDMS_RegistrationFee
{GreenBonusAmount}Amount of Green Bonus (@IDMS_OPTIONFIELD values)

Automarin related  AM-401 - Getting issue details... STATUS

{CoCDocumentStatus}CoC document status description (@IDMS_OPTIONFIELD values)

Automarin related  AM-403 - Getting issue details... STATUS

{IsUndamaged}True/False - refers to the if the vehicle has sustained any damage.

This is always the opposite of the HasFixedDamages

(IsUndamaged = !HasFixedDamages)

{EmissionCheck}True/False for emissions check.
{MarketPlaceVariant}Vehicle variantEdition Variant
{ProductionDateFormatted}The production date as formatted textThe format is in the setup key VehExposeProductionDateFormat
{GrossTotalPrice}The vehicle's gross total price
{TotalPriceAsNewVehicle}The vehicle's price at new conditionComes from TotalPrice4
{Benefit}Benefit price on the vehicleIs calculated from: GrossTotalPrice- TotalPrice2
{QRCode}The path to the QR code image for the specific vehicle
{ExtendedWarrantyType}Extended warranty type description (@IDMS_OPTIONFIELD values)Entity: Vehicle, Field: ExtendedWarrantyType, @IDMS_OPTIONFIELD.U_IDMS_OptionDescr
{WarrantyDuration}Wrranty duration in months


Images Header (optional) The images will appear below



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