This functionality is used at the vehicle offer creation step.

Sales Incentives are essentially discounts that are being added automatically when creating an offer. This is done via a few criteria that will be described below.

There is a similarity with the automatic document lines functionality described here. The main difference is that the automatic document lines add to the final cost instead of the sales incentives that deduct cost.


2 new entities were created:

  • IDMS_SalesIncentive: stores the details of a sales incentive
  • IDMS_SalesIncentive_NotCombinableCodes: stores the "not combinable" sales incentives. Behaves much like a sub-collection

The equivalent tables are the following:


Because Sales Incentives are behaving much like document items a new sub-collection for the IDMS_DOCUMENT entity was created:

  • IDMS_DocumentSalesIncentives

The equivalent tables are the following:



A new setup page was created which is used to manage the data of the sales incentives. The URL and Business Case are the following:

  • ~/SetupEntities/SalesIncentivesGridList
  • BC: 1972

The following fields at the form are required:

  • Sales Incentive Code
  • Calculation Base
  • VAT Group

Because there was a need to activate/deactivate the sales incentives functionality per company (and not by the usual setup key functionality), a new setup page was created to support this. The URL and Business Case are the following:

  • ~/SetupEntities/SalesIncentivesActivationSetupPage
  • BC: 1972

If no configuration was made, then when opening the page, the current company that the user used to login is shown with the options to activate or deactivate the sales incentives functionality for that company only.

Import Sales Incentives

Apart from the usual addition of Sales Incentives via the "plus" sign on the top-right of the page, there is an import functionality based on a template that can be used for this purpose.

The "Import Sales Incentives" action opens a popup where the user uploads the template Excel file (previously downloaded via the "Download import template" action) with all the data filled and clicks at the "Upload file" button.


Adding manually in the Sales Offer

Sales Incentive(s) can be manually added by clicking the Add-Button ("+") (like for Item Lines) at the far-right.

At this point the Quantity defaults to -1, until further notice.

A grid list opens (URL: ~/SetupEntities/SalesIncentivesGridListFromOffer) (similar to the items list) from which the user can manually add the desired sales incentives. After selection, the user can click at the top-right "arrow" to confirm the selections.

The items at this grid list contains only valid items are filtered based on the following criteria:

  • Only Sales Incentives where:
    • Make = Make from the Vehicle, Family = Family from the Vehicle, Model = Model from the Vehicle
      Sales Incentives especially for the Family/Model
    • Or Make = Make from the Vehicle, Family = Family from the Vehicle, Model = Empty
      General Sales Incentives for the corresponding Make and Family
    • Or Make = Make from the Vehicle, Family = Empty, Model = Empty
      General Sales Incentives for the corresponding Make
    • Or Make = empty, Family = Empty, Model = Empty
      General Sales Incentives valid for all Makes of the Dealer
  • Only Sales Incentives should be shown where the Industry Group = empty or Industry Group = Industry Group from the Business Partner
  • Only Sales Incentives should be shown where Customer Group = empty or Customer Group = Customer Group from the Business Partner
  • Only Sales Incentives should be shown where Sales Type = empty or Sales Type = Sales Type from the Sales Lead
  • Only Sales Incentives should be shown where Vehicle Status = empty or Vehicle Status = Vehicle Status from the offered Vehicle
  • Only Sales Incentives with a valid Time Period (Offer Date must be between Start Date and End Date)
  • If the Sales Offer is being created for a Vehicle on Stock then the following addition Filter should be applied:
    • Only Sales Incentives should be shown where Model Year from / to = empty or Model Year (Field Year in the Vehicle Entity) of the Vehicle is between Model Year from and Model Year to from the Sales Incentive
    • Only Sales Incentives should be shown where the Receipt Date from / to = empty or the Receipt Date of the Vehicle is between Receipt Date from and Receipt Date to from the Sales Incentive.
  • A Trade In validation is being added as well, if only the the Lead/Opportunity contains a a Trade-in vehicle.

After the user has confirmed the addition of the items via the "arrow" button the following validation is applied:

  • Does selected Sales Incentive collide with other Sales Incentives (Cross Check with field Not combinable with Sales Incentive Code)
    • This validation is executed to both the selected sales incentives as well as the already added sales incentives at the offer (either automatically or manually added)

If the validation fails a popup is shown

Adding automatically when creating the Sales Offer

All Sales Incentives that are marked as Automatic Insert = Yes and match to the Vehicle then the Sales Incentives should be added automatically to the Sales Offer, similar to the Automatic Document Lines. The criteria that are being used are the same as seen above. with the addition of the Automatic Insert flag.

Removing Sales Incentive added lines

Either automatically or manually added sales incentives, can be removed by clicking on the far-right arrow at the desired line.

Sales Incentive lines are not editable by default.

Calculation totals at the totaling block

Due the addition of the Sales Incentives functionality the totaling has been revamped to handle the Sales Incentives and generally analyze better the equivalent costs and discounts.

  • Net Total Amount: contains the sum of the item lines multiplied by their quantity
  • Bonus (Sales Aids): Sum of the net amount of the Sales Incentives
  • Total Discount: Sum of the net amount of the discounts of all item lines
  • Total net Amount incl. Discounts: The sum of the Net Total Amount minus the Bonuses and Total Discounts sums
    • Can be edited if the setup key EnableNetTotalOfferDiscount is set to "True"
  • Because an offer can contain several items that may have a different VAT rate, each VAT rate is shown at a separate line with its equivalent sum
  • Offer Price: The sum of the separate VAT sums and the Total net Amount incl. Discount sum
    • Can be edited if the setup key EnableWholeOfferDiscount is set to "True"

The above changes are made mainly at the DocumentOfferManager.js file which is responsible of the calculations at the offer sheet.

Regarding the "edit" functionality of the fields Total net Amount incl. Discounts and Offer Price, the discount that is generated depending on the value that is being entered is always added at the Vehicle line.

Validations at the existing offer selection and offer → order processes

As in the case of the Automatic Document Lines, a validation of the added lines (either automatically or manually) is executed at both processes. Below is described in a tree list manner the flow of the validations which in some cases includes the Automatic Document Lines.

  • Select previous existing offer step (copy offer)
    • If we have valid sales incentives
      • Process continues
    • If we have invalid sales incentives
      • A sales incentives validation popup, cancel and continue buttons appear (on cancel, the user is presented with the previous offers view, on continue, the offer sheet with the selected offer is shown, which includes the invalid sales incentives)
        • Process continues
  • Accept offer step (offer → order)
    • If we have valid auto doc lines
    • If we have valid sales incentives
      • Process continues
    • If we have valid auto doc lines
    • If we have invalid sales incentives
      • A sales incentives validation popup, only cancel button appears (on cancel, the user is presented with the previous offers view)
        • Process stops
    • If we have invalid auto doc lines
    • If we have valid sales incentives
      • An auto doc lines validation popup, cancel and continue buttons appear (on cancel, the user is presented with the previous offers view, on continue, the user returns to the activities tab)
        • Process continues
    • If we have invalid auto doc lines
    • If we have invalid sales incentives
      • A auto doc lines validation popup, cancel and continue buttons appear (on cancel, the user is presented with the previous offers view, on continue, the sales incentives popup show up and the auto doc lines validation popup closes)
      • A sales incentives validation popup, only cancel button appears (on cancel, the user is presented with the previous offers view)
        • Process stops

Sample popups

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AVGA-586 - Getting issue details... STATUS


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