Footer is one of the main Sub view that is rendering when you see the One Dealer.

  • Visible Footer:

  • Not Visible Footer:

The main purpose of the footer is to show you the buttons regarding the main page that running at the time.

  • MasterBasePageFooterView.cshtml: Is the view that render all the buttons from server side.
  • Another way to see footer button is when you click to a tab, a java script function was hooked and call the function GetFooterButtonHtml at PageManagr.js that renders the buttons.

Method PageFooterButton.CreateByButtonType: Creates a button by a specific button type.

The PageFooterButtonType.cs is an Enum with button types.

For each one the button types the CreateByButtonType at PageFooterButton.cs creates a button with the following properties:

  • title: Title of the button
  • cssClass: Css icon of the button
  • idElement: Id Element in order to manipulate the button if needed with javascript
  • position: Position of the in the footer (Left/Right).

Except from the basic properties of the button that’s added based on the button type, if you instantiate a button you can control all the button properties.

Add and manipulateFooter buttons :

1)Add Footer to Page:

To add a footer button to a page you can add to the constructor of the page the following code:

var button = Footer. AddFooterButton(PageFooterButtonType);

Footer.AddFooterButton: The AddFooterButton call the PageFooterButton.CreateByButtonType(PageFooterButtonType) that creates the button, then add the button to FooterButtons of page, and then the buttons will be render at MasterBasePageFooterView.cshtml.

Example from the Sidebar at sales process page:

2)Add Footer to Tab Page:

To add a button to a tab you can create a button with the PageFooterButton.CreateByButtonType method and then you need to add the button to tab.FooterButtons.Add(createdButton)

Then this button will be rendered at TabPageControllerView.cshtml, and the info of the button will be stored at an attribute (data-actionbuttons), then when the tab will load, a javascript method is responsible to add the button to page regarding the current tab index.

3)Add and manipulate footer button from the WF transition

Instruction to follow by case:

  • Open FullAjaxPage:

To close the Ajax full page for cancel reason(clear follow up actions) need to set as CloseAjaxPageCallback the following code:

To close the Ajax full page for success reason (proceed to WF) need to set at the success of the page the following code:

If the page you open was a tab page you must also select the tab.

Depending on the process you run you must call the right Process Manager (workflowProcessManager, spOpportunity, businessProcessManager)

  • Open transition require view inside the activities tab

To close page for cancel reason (clear follow up actions) need to set at the cancel the following code:

To close page for success reason (proceed to WF) need to set at the success of the page the following function code:

Depending on the process you run you must call the right Process Manager (workflowProcessManager, spOpportunity, businessProcessManager)

  • No labels


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