Business logic that has been transferred to N. Vasilikos on how to fetch data from DB.

  1. We distinguish whether the car is a loan by checking the if the field IDMS_DOCUMENT.U_IDMS_FinaluzeMethodCd is equal with the value you will find from the following query: select “U_IDMS_Value” from “@IDMS_S_SETUP” where “U_IDMS_Key” = ‘CarLoanPaymentMethodCode’
  2. As it concerns the Exterior Color, Interior Color and Interior Type (I know that AWT is not presenting any info for interior type but I put this here because its uses the same logic) when the Vehicle that is connected with the document has Mapped Car Status (through XIS_CUSTAPP_PARMAS1) = PlaceHolderVehicle then the above information are retrieved from XIS_CARSPECIF as we do now. The change is that for all other vehicle statuses the information above are stored in the following fields:
    1. Exterior Color Code = XIS_CARS.U_MnfctClCd
    2. Exterior Color Name = XIS_CARS .U_MnfctClNm,
    3. Interior Color Code = XIS_CARS U_IDMS_InteriorColorManufacturerCode,
    4. Interior Color Name = XIS_CARS .U_IDMS_InteriorColorManufacturerDescription,
    5. Interior Type Code = XIS_CARS .U_IDMS_InteriorTypeManufacturerCode,
    6. Interior Type Name = XIS_CARS .U_IDMS_InteriorTypeManufacturerDescription

As you can see on the case of vehicles with Status != PlaceHolderVehicle (this means they are inventory vehicles and not configurations or stock locator items) there is not price field. This is normal since when you have an already manufactured vehicle on your stock, it has specific colors and interior properties which you do not pay extra. They are included on the whole vehicle price


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