
The report focuses on presenting BuyBack Sales Leads created within the selected period, selected Make and for the selected Branches that the user has access to. The information presented includes the The Business Partner details, lead creation date, and BuyBack Lead appointment date. 


This report is valid only in versions where BuyBack Lead is implemented. BuyBack process

Report Identity

NameBuyBack TradeIn Overview
DescriptionBuyBack TradeIn Overview
Report TypeProduct Report


NameDescriptionTypeUI Type
DateFormLead Creation Date FromDateTimeDatePicker
DateToLead Creation Date ToDateTimeDatePicker
PaymentMethodPayment MethodStringDropDown
SalesPersonSales PersonIntegerMultipleDropDown
TradeInInciInclude Trade In LeadBooleanSwitch
BuyBackContractLead has Buy Back ContractBooleanSwitch 

Report Layout 

Headers (highlighted with green)

Date TimeShow the report execution date (day of the month, date, time)
User NameName of the User who executed a report
Date PeriodSelected "Period of time" from the parameters
BranchSelected "Branch" from the parameters
Sales AdvisorName of the how create the Lead

Selected "Make" from the parameters

Include InternalThe switch of parameters
Include UnknownThe switch of parameters
Payment Method

The selected method of the Business Partner to pay the VOI.

Body (purple section)

Dealer IDDealer's Id
Complete NameBP's Name
GenderBP's gender
CompanyCompany name (If BP is company)
EmailBP's email
TelephoneBP's Mobile phone
ModelThe model of VOI
Delivery DateVOI's delivery DATE
Sales PersonThe name how has enhancement the Lead
PriceThe Price of the VOI
Buy Back AgreementIf there is Buyback agreement in Lead
Trade-In IncludeIf there is Trade-In agreement in Lead
Buy Back Trade-InIf there is Buyback Trade-In in Lead

Trade-In Car

the Model of Trade-In Car


If the lead has financing 
Payment MethodWhich method is selected in Lead
Planned Follow Up DateThe follow up date 
Actual Follow Up DateThe follow up date 

Additional Information

Feature:  AWT-2259 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Test Case:  AWT-2769 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • No labels


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