Report Identity




Per Advisor Op Inq (Multi Make)




Per Advisor Opportunities Inquiries

Business Case


Resource Code



DescriptionField (U_IDMS_ParamName)Provided by UIValuesDefault Value
Date fromPDateFromYES

Date toPDateToYES

List of ManufacturesPListOfMakesYESMakes available in the environment
Opportunity TypePOpportunityTypeCodeYES
  • All
  • Customers from Service
  • Fleet
  • Lease
  • Retail sale
  • Small Fleet


Report Layout 

In this report the data are displayed per Branch and the users can navigate between the Branches from the Group Tree of the Crystal Viewer.

Report Calculation Logic 

Header (green section)

Report NameSales Report: Advisors Performance & Sales Opportunities
PeriodDate from - Date to selected from the parameters
Opportunity TypeSelected "Opportunity Type" from the parameters
Dealership (Range)Selected "Branches" from the parameters
MakeSelected "Make" from the parameters
CompanyDescription of the Company
DealershipDescription of the displayed Branch

Body (red section)

Report column

U_IDMS_EventTypeCode (values)

Workflow Transition/State

Sales OppCurrentWeekSpontaneousCustomers
(and/or CurrentWeekShownUpByPhone, CurrentWeekShownUpByEmail, CurrentWeekCustomersFromService)
** State IN → Initial Contact



* Transition IN → Offer
Test DrivesCurrentWeekTestDrive* Transition IN → Execute Test Drive & Receive Vehicle



* Transition IN → Sign Order
CancellationsCurrentWeekCancelations* Transition IN → Order Cancelled
Sales Opp Follow UpsCurrentWeekFollowUpCustomers** State IN → Follow Up call

Offer Follow Ups


** State IN → Offer Follow Up Call



* Transition IN → Delivery Completed

Inquiries Assigned

Total requests assigned by Sales Employee (for the selected manufacturer, branch and time period)

* The Requests (Inquiries) created manually from the inquiry page are not addressed to a specific manufacturer, they are of general content and therefore do not take part in the report.

** The Requests (Inquiries) calculated in the column "Inquiries Assigned" are inquiries that have been converted to Leads/Opportunities and have a salesperson assigned to them.

Inquiries Converted

Total amount of Inquiries by Sales Employee (for the selected manufacturer, branch and time period) converted into Leads/Opportunities.

* Transition IN: the record that will be considered by the event, is created when the user selects the relevant transition and saves. 

** State IN: the record that will be considered by the event, is created when closing the activity of the STATE, during the selection of the next activity in the STATE (transition)


The report Per Advisor Opportunities Inquiries filters Leads/Opportunities according to the UI parameters. The main filter is the period. The report finds all events (U_IDMS_EventTypeCode)  related to the displayed information based on the Event Date. The EVENT DATE must be within the selected period. 

  • UI parameters
    • Period (based on the Event Date for all events that are included in the report -> "U_IDMS_EventTypeCode")
    • List of Manufacturers (select from the drop down list)
    • Opportunity Type
    • Branches (select from the drop-down list)
  • Non-UI parameters
    • PValuesCalcRule – MAININPERIOD
    • PBranchCode (according to user dimensions permissions)

 and displays the summary of the “even types” as per below:

  • Sales Advisor” - it displays the “Sales Advisor” that the events were triggered by, "U_IDMS_Prop6Code" on the "@IDMS_EVNTRESULT" table and the “OHEM” table which holds the entire data “Sales Opp”
  • "Sales Opp" 
  • "Offers"
  • "Test Drives"
  • "Cancellations"
  • "Sales Opp Follow-up"
  • "Offer Follow Ups”
  • "Inquiries Assigned"
  • "Inquiries Converted"

Fields considered from table "@IDMS_EVNTRESULT"

  • Dates: "U_IDMS_EventDate" field
  • EntityType: "U_IDMS_EntityType" field with the “IDMS_Lead” value set
  • Entity: "U_IDMS_EntityCode" field
  • MakeCode: "U_IDMS_Prop1Code" field
  • BranchCode: "U_IDMS_Prop2Code" field
  • CompanyCode: "U_IDMS_Prop3Code" field
  • Location: "U_IDMS_Prop5Code" field
  • EventType: "U_IDMS_EventTypeCode" field
  • SalesAdvisor: "U_IDMS_Prop6Code" field

  • No labels


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