The GDPR templates can be created using the standard Smart templates functionality. 

The values that are available to be used in the GDPR template are given in the matrix below. 

1) The Header of the Data Privacy model contains the preferences of the customer concerning the Dealership

2) The Data Privacy Lines are statements that concern the Manufacturer and this is why they are always paired with a Make Code and Description

Data Privacy Header


Customer agrees that his data can be used in Market and Customer Satisfaction ServicesThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.UcMrktSurveyDisagree}Customer disagrees that his data can be used in Market and Customer Satisfaction ServicesThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.UcPromotionAgree}Customer agrees that his data can be used for Promotion of Product and ServicesThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.UcPromotionDisagree}Customer disagrees that his data can be used for Promotion of Product and ServicesThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.UcProfPrsServAgree}Customer agrees that his data can be used to provide personalized Services and productsThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.UcProfPrsServDisagree}Customer disagrees that his data can be used to provide personalized Services and productsThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DocDateGerman}The date today presented in German Localization
{DataPrivacy.DocDateGreek}The date today presented in Greek Localization
{DataPrivacy.BPCode}The CardCode of the Business Partner
{DataPrivacy.TemplateCode}The template code of the document
{DataPrivacy.LineId}The LineId on the Data Privacy Statement table
{DataPrivacy.DocEntry}The DocEntry of the Data Privacy Statement
{DataPrivacy.PhoneChannelState}Contact by Phone is allowedThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.PostChannelState}Contact by Mail is allowedThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.EmailChannelState}Contact by E-Mail is allowedThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.SMSChannelState}Contact by SMS is allowedThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.CustomerSignImagePath}The path of the customer signatureUse this property to define where we attach the digital signature of the customer
{DataPrivacy.SignedPolicy}The customer agrees with the company policyThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DsgrsWthPolicy}The customer disagrees with the company policyThe value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.BranchCode}Current logged in user's branch code
{DataPrivacy.BranchDescription}Current logged in user's branch name
Data Privacy Lines

{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLinesLineId}: null,The LineId of the Data Privacy LineThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLines.MakeCode}The code of the Manufacturer in One Dealer

This property is part of a list and can be used in tables

{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLines.MakeDescription}The name of the Manufacturer in One DealerThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables.
{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLines.PhoneChannelState}Contact by Phone is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLines.PostChannelState}Contact by Mail is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLines.EmailChannelState}Contact by E-Mail is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DataPrivacyLines.SMSChannelState}Contact by SMS is allowed

This property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox

Dealer Data Privacy Lines

{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.LineId}The LineId of the Dealer Data Privacy LineThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.ConsentCode}Consent OD Code

This property is part of a list and can be used in tables

{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.ConsentDescription}Consent DescriptionThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables.
{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.ConsentPrintText}Consent Print TextThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables.
{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.PhoneChannelState}Contact by Phone is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.PostChannelState}Contact by Mail is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.EmailChannelState}Contact by E-Mail is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
{DataPrivacy.DealerDataPrivacyLines.SMSChannelState}Contact by SMS is allowedThis property is part of a list and can be used in tables
The value is true/false and can be used in a checkbox
Business Partner Header


Business Partner Card Code
{BusinessPartner.FullName}Business Partner Card Name
{BusinessPartner.Phone1}Business Partner Phone 1
{BusinessPartner.Phone2}Business Partner Phone 2
{BusinessPartner.MobilePhone}Business Partner Mobile Phone
{BusinessPartner.Fax}Business Partner Fax
{BusinessPartner.MainContactPersonName}Business Partner Main Contact Person Name
{BusinessPartner.EmailAddress}Business Partner E-Mail
{BusinessPartner.Currency}Business Partner currency short namee.g. EUR
{BusinessPartner.FederalTaxID}Business Partner federal tax id (ΑΦΜ)
Main Contact Employee Information

{BusinessPartner.MainContact.CityOfBirth}Main Contact Employee city of birth
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.DateOfBirth}Main Contact Employee date of birth
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.EmailAddress}Main Contact Employee E-Mail
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.Fax}Main Contact Employee fax
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.FullName}Main Contact Employee full name
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.FirstName}Main Contact Employee first name
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.MiddleName}Main Contact Employee middle name 
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.LastName}Main Contact Employee last name
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.Phone1}Main Contact Employee Phone 1
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.Phone2}Main Contact Employee Phone 2
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.Profession}Main Contact Employee Profession
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.Title}Main Contact Employee title
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.HomeWebsite}Main Contact Employee home website
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.VocativeFirstName}Main Contact Employee vocative first name
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.VocativeLastName}Main Contact Employee vocative last name
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.WorkCompanyName}Main Contact Employee work company name
{BusinessPartner.MainContact.Salutation}Main Contact Employee salutation
Business Partner BillTo Address

{BusinessPartner.BillToAddress.ZipCode}Zip code
{BusinessPartner.BillToAddress.Country}Country short code
{BusinessPartner.BillToAddress.BuildingFloorRoom}Building floor room
{BusinessPartner.BillToAddress.StreetNo}Street number
{BusinessPartner.BillToAddress.U_IDMS_OrigAddress}Full formated address name
{BusinessPartner.BillToAddress.U_XIS_StatDistrict}Territory code from Tolerant interface
Business Partner ShipTo Address
Same as above but with Ship instead of Bill
e.g. {BusinessPartner.ShipToAddress.U_IDMS_OrigAddress}
Internal Business Partner Info

{InternalBPInfo.CompanyInfo}Company Title 
{InternalBPInfo.TaxOffice}Internal business partner's tax office
{InternalBPInfo.FederalTaxID}Internal business partner's federal ID
{InternalBPInfo.RegisterNo}Internal business partner's register number
{InternalBPInfo.Email}Internal business partner's email
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPName}Internal business partner's name
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPAddress}Internal business partner's full address
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPStreet}Internal business partner's street
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPStreetNo}Internal business partner's street number
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPCity}Internal business partner's city
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPZipCode}Internal business partner's zip-code
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPCountryDescription}Internal business partner's country description
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPTelephone1}Internal business partner's phone number
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPMobile}Internal business partner's mobile number
Internal BP Bank Accounts
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.CardCode}The code of the business partner connected to this bank account
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.BankCode}The code of the bank connected to this bank account
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.BankName}The name of the bank connected to this bank account
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.CountryCode}The code of the country connected to this bank account
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.CountryName}The name of the country connected to this bank account
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.Account}The account number
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.AccountDescription}The account description
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.AcctName}The account name
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.IBAN}Bank account's IBAN
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.BankKey}Bank account's bank key
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.SwiftNum}Bank account's swift number
{InternalBPInfo.InternalBPBankAccounts.SeqType}Bank account's SEQ type

  • No labels


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